Not sure if you intended to arouse feelings of jealousy with a picture of you five sears, but in case you are looking for a golden star, here are five to match your sears:
Thanks anyway for the stars; but no, I post the pic only to give credibility to my words. I picked up all those sears in the past 3 years; paid no more than $13k for any single one and spent no "new" money on them.......i.e. I sold something to raise the money for each buy. I knew what I wanted, knew the market, and jumped when the opportunities presented themselves.
What I didn't do is complain on some internet board how all the RDIAS buyers and sellers are a**holes for asking/paying top dollar in the same time frame.......and lose out on what I wanted.
I've been in this long enough to see your complaint play itself out many times. Same old song the complainers sang when M11/9s jumped from $400 to $600, M16s $1600 to $2000, HK sears from $500 to $800 and on and on.
There's even one or two guns out there that in hind sight I should've never let get away from me......MG42 when I could've picked up a virtually new C&R gun for $4k and a Stoner 63a when Reed Knight was selling them new for $10k.
Yep, wish I made my decisions differently so those 2 were in my gun room today.......but I don't feel at all bitter toward those fortunate enough to own an MG42 or Stoner 63a. I don't even think they're a**holes