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  • S
    NYPD went with Glock 19s because they didn't trust their cops with 17 rds. You don't issue MGs to anyone but SWAT. Uniforms get semi...
  • Landric
    Landric replied to the thread Atlanta PD MAC.
    Ah, the 1980s, when police could justify shooting up a room with a submachine gun and collateral damage was sad, but acceptable, and no...
  • KickStand
    My counter to those statements would be “Why wouldn’t they just get AC-556K’s then?” I don’t think we’ll truly know until more...
  • Zohan
    Zohan posted the thread UZI pistol SMG conversion in UZI Talk.
    Did the UZI pistol receiver require any modification for Machine Gun conversion?
  • S
    LE simply order whatever they want and it is transferred to them tax free. Never heard of ATF doing anything but rubber stamping them...
  • G
    Galil#1 reacted to Offmarksman's post in the thread Lower egging prevention with Like Like.
    Not sure why a pin made out of something besides steel seems to trigger you so much? You’ve made it clear that you think it’s unnecessary.
  • Offmarksman
    Offmarksman replied to the thread Lower egging prevention.
    Not sure why a pin made out of something besides steel seems to trigger you so much? You’ve made it clear that you think it’s unnecessary.
  • G
    Galil#1 replied to the thread Lower egging prevention.
    Next up... hard cardboard pin or increase size for your pinky fit - the new Meat MAC pin, or Pinky Pin... now you can feel your MAC like...
  • theduke
    theduke replied to the thread 41AE Mags?.
    they have @ least 2 usefull places to exist. Someone with a butt load of 41 ammo or someone with an oly arms 40 s&w conversion for an...
  • herd118
    herd118 replied to the thread Atlanta PD MAC.
    Is this from the old Japanese “Combat” magazine, from around 1985 or so?
  • Hey...
    Hey... reacted to KickStand's post in the thread New Samson stock with Like Like.
    It looks better with the original grip, that’s for sure. I might try something different than the gloss but thats just me. Since it’s...
  • S
    I found an auction for a GB model once owned by the NYPD chief. Description says NYPD marked guns are rare because they were destroyed...
  • KickStand
    I’ve got some hope that we’ll see an MG42 upper or another form of belt fed for the MACs. Wasn’t one made back in the day but atf...
  • KickStand
    If they did a contract for a short barreled mini 14, I don’t understand why they wouldn’t just use the K barrels. At this time period...
  • D
    delta-10 replied to the thread 41AE Mags?.
    A quick search on Gunbroker found this completed auction of 10 mags in the box that sold for $795 so that averages out to 79.50 per mag...

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