Why so few aftermarket parts for HK MP5s?


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Sep 19, 2004
I get that certain fanboys won't be happy unless everything down to the cleaning solvent and oil is genuine German sourced, but for those of us just wanting a shooter it would seem US made parts would be a lot more commonly available and affordable.

Take the standard A3 stock for example. You can buy a used one if you can find one for sale, or a Glock. Same price. new I can buy a decent used car instead, well if any were available that is... A US made one in the $200-300 range would sell like hotcakes, yet no one seems to be making them. You can't even find imported knockoffs from Korea or China. These aren't complicated items, once set up with the tooling you could crank them out by the thousands for a few bucks each.

Magazines run $90 and up, at one time licensed copies were relatively cheap but you can't even get them nowadays. Back when I got my Malaysian contract P9s Keepshooting had an Ebay ad for their aftermarket copies of the factory mag. If you bought 4 at one time they were as cheap as $13.50 each. I honestly cannot tell the difference between them and the OEM that came with the gun. Same thickness steel, same design, other than lack of a worn finish you could toss them all in a box and never know which one was original. Obviously an MP5 mag takes more metal and is a bit more complicated to make, but whoever made the P9s mags could likely do the same good job on them for a lot less than $90 per.

Someone with a manufacturing plant that could make these items would seem to be passing on a rather lucrative market at the moment.


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Jan 12, 2015
I agree that the prices are ridiculous, a company could make aftermarket parts for a reasonable price, and most people who own "real" MP5s want German made parts (and can afford them).
Any company that marketed a MP5 clone in the $750-800 range would have to run 3 shifts to keep up with demand!


FFL/SOT, UZI Talk Life Member,
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Oct 26, 2007
South Florida
I agree that the prices are ridiculous, a company could make aftermarket parts for a reasonable price, and most people who own "real" MP5s want German made parts (and can afford them).
Any company that marketed a MP5 clone in the $750-800 range would have to run 3 shifts to keep up with demand!

Agreed!! I never buy aftermarket for my MP5.... I set a budget for a MP5 and what I needed and stuck to it....


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Apr 26, 2015
Most everything else has aftermarket support. You have US made handguards and rails as well as ones made in the middle east by pof and B&T in europe.

For magazines the problem is a lot of the third party ones sucked including the US made ones. The POF mags were like 30 bucks or so a piece though and most said they run fine. The problem is they don't come into the US as much as most would like. The MKE mags are good but not much less than the hk ones. You have the newer KCI mags which are now us made I believe that are like 40 bucks, the ones rtg sells that are polymer for like 25 bucks that need to be fitted but people seem to like, the ets mags which I'd avoid, etc. Magpul's are coming as well.

Todd Baily and RCM make most of the other parts for the gun with some smaller shops also making things.

For the old school a3 stock pof and mke stocks have been imported before and the quality of them wasn't as good as the German ones sadly. It would be nice to see someone bringing them back in or making a US copy though. You have a bunch of other stock options out there though.
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