AGG, what was the genesis of this alternative site?
Yes, we are lucky to have Uzitalk and I hope that HKproshop develops into an equally wonderful site. I would hate to lose the repository of information that is stored on hkpro, though. Were they treating members poorly or was it just the website changes? If they were being dicks, I will try to avoid the site...
Hi Tony,
Sorry to hear how badly they treated you over at Pro. I don't know what they were thinking when they made such a drastic change. I wouldn't be surprised at all to see a drop in their activity as a result. I'm an IT pro, and hate the new setup.
My beloved AKFiles has also turned to hell, but that was more an issue with them getting hacked, and trying to come back from that.
This remains the only forum I like, so thank you to the staff here for maintaining a nice, and simple forum. The members are cool too, since this forums seems to revolve around transferables and other more exotic items, it seems to cut down on the garbage. (Not trying to sound like a snob, but I think most people understand what I mean, just ask any Pro member back in the day about what happened to that forum after HK released the VP9 LOL)
Yes, we are lucky to have Uzitalk and I hope that HKproshop develops into an equally wonderful site. I would hate to lose the repository of information that is stored on hkpro, though. Were they treating members poorly or was it just the website changes? If they were being dicks, I will try to avoid the site...
I am not enough of an HK purist (all my 'HK' fun guns are clones), and would like to have the 'clone' section on HKproshop. All the subsections by MKE, etc are breaking up discussions and diminishing overall traffic from my perspective.
My understanding is the admins/owners/mods/whatever of Pro handled people voicing their distaste for the new site rather harshly.