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  • Navgunner mentioned that I could buy an UZI book direct from you and you might sign it.

    Hi Dave.

    Have a request. Can you look into resettng the user dmsdog. It's Phil Nobel. He's been try to get on the forums and not having luck.
    Dave, we did some horse trading several years ago. I'm curious how those Saiga mags worked out for you. I'm back after a several year hiatus from the site. I was extremely pleased to see the site still up and that my creds still work. This site is invaluable to the Uzi and surrounding communities


    I am on the HUNT........ "BUT I CAN NOT FIND"........ The parts needed to build my UZI Full Sized Semi-Auto Rifle! I can NOT find a Semi-auto Bolt! I can NOT find a semi auto barrel or a UZI complete semi auto trigger housing GRIP, etc, in fact The only thing I do have is a Complete very High Quality Semi Auto Reciever and NOTHING ELSE! I can NOT find anyone who sells a complete UZI full Size Semi-Auto Parts kit (LESS the Reciever) am I the only one who is having this problem? Is this a common problem? Can anyone help me by steering me in the right direction? Thank You. Hank.
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