A&S Conversions
UZI Talk Life Member

These were posted on another thread:
Since these were in someone else's thread. I don't want to derail that. That is not how I remember how that went down. After the festival shooting in Las Vegas where the gunman used bumpstocks on the rifles that he used, Trump said that he was going to have the ATF "look into" bumpstocks. Here is a video of Trump saying "bumpstocks will be gone" https://www.cnn.com/2020/03/02/politics/supreme-court-bump-stocks-ban/index.html by Executive Order. He is no friend of the Second Amendment in my book.
^^^ Which president outlawed the slidefire? "Barry?" ^^^
I recall ammo being rather cheap, aside from the Sandy Hook scare. And you could get a complete upper receiver for $199 shipped back then.
Trump didn’t but the atf did under his watch. Which was overturned.
Since these were in someone else's thread. I don't want to derail that. That is not how I remember how that went down. After the festival shooting in Las Vegas where the gunman used bumpstocks on the rifles that he used, Trump said that he was going to have the ATF "look into" bumpstocks. Here is a video of Trump saying "bumpstocks will be gone" https://www.cnn.com/2020/03/02/politics/supreme-court-bump-stocks-ban/index.html by Executive Order. He is no friend of the Second Amendment in my book.