What to get next?


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Oct 7, 2020
I got the ok from the wife to get another MG at some point this year. The trouble is I can't figure out what to get next. I already have a couple of M11/9s and several uppers/caliber conversions for them. I'm not really interested in any belt feds or RDIAS type of items as I really enjoy the subgun type of firearms, especially in 9mm. I'm basically stuck between a Sten type, MP-40, possibly a MP5 or maybe even a Thompson. Im honestly really not sure but know I want a subgun. The BRP STG line of firearms really seems like a great investment for what I'm looking for as it still has a company producing parts for it, it seems to be loved by anyone who owns one, and can be configured in many different configurations such as a Suomi, Thompson, can kinda look like a Sten and can also be a tripod mounted butterfly grip, ect. If anyone else who's had the same "problem" has any advice or guidance on the next potential purchase please let me know which subgun or MG you chose and why. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated


UZI Talk Supporter
Feedback: 15 / 0 / 0
Aug 27, 2011
Your all over the place price wise since you mention that your thinking about a sten or maybe an MP5.
I personally wouldn’t mind having any of the subguns you mentioned.
Do you like to tinker? What is your budget?


UZI Talk Supporter
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Sep 11, 2013
Raleigh, NC
My advice would be find either someone who will let you shoot theirs, or a range that rents them and try them out to see what you like. They all shoot differently and have their quirks. At this point you're just buying for fun, so handling and shooting the firearm will be the best way to see what speaks to you.

1) See what is $ feasible
2) shoot them
3) research support like magazines and parts

PS those BRP guns do not resell for what they cost new. I'd look for a used one if it were me.


Feedback: 3 / 0 / 0
Oct 7, 2020
Price wise I poentially could go up into the Mp5 price range but I'd prefer to keep it a little lower. I've shot a good amount of transferables, most of the more popular ones like the Stens, Mp5s, Uzi and so on. I like to tinker with them which Is why the M11/9s were perfect for me at the time with all the lage and aftermarket support. My next purchase I'd consider to be a fun investment as I enjoy shooting my collection but plan to pass them onto the kids when they get older


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Jul 21, 2016
in the wilds
Maybe something cool like a full auto pistol ..There was just on GB a hard times converted HI power full auto 9mm with stock etc ..That would very neat ..There are a few 59 out there as well I think

Me for sub gun either

1. UZI .. Makes sure no block bar model ..Parts mags etc are still cheep ... Very cool guns easy to clean and use .. Lots of neato stuff with them ie the secret service cases etc ... Classic cool guns
2. MP5 but not a RR gun .So you can use the sear or trigger pack in other HK guns


UZI Talk Life Member
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Jan 22, 2014
Central Texas
If it's for your kids then I would say consider they might want a machinegun one day. I'd get a RR m16 and run a CCMG radial delayed upper on it. People say they're great.


I too was going to suggest a RR m16. My dedicated .22 upper is 100%, also have CMMG 9mm setup that Gaujo mentioned, optimally configured as Amphibian has suggested. You have a belt fed and quite a few rifle caliber options if you want to pursue that in the future. Lots to tinker with if you want. Great parts availability.


UZI Talk Supporter
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Feb 1, 2014
If it's within your budget and means, MP5. Buy once, cry once.


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Jan 12, 2015
You mentioned "the kids"; I'm assuming you have more than one?
Consider that you'll want to divide your estate value as evenly as possible. There's no way to predict future valuation of anything, is safe to assume that an MP5 will be worth more in the future than an M11, given the availability of aftermarket parts for the M11? Will those parts be available in 20 years? Will your home increase or decrease in value?
The only safe bet is, IMHO, to buy duplicate items for each child. I don't have any MGs, but I've got children, and I know how complicated it is to try to balance values, even for Xmas and birthday gifts. I have a few Firearms that I am going to try to pass on to them, and I try to have stuff of equal value and that are similar.


Feedback: 3 / 0 / 0
Oct 7, 2020
I have 3 kids and they are all still to small to really appreciate what they are and I've already taken into account them arguing over which one they would want based on cost so they all have an M11/9 waiting for them which also makes this a harder decision for me. One of them definitely has more of an interest in firearms then the others so far but that can always change. I've been debating on how to go about everything with the next MG purchase to try and keep it fair and at the same time changing it up a bit so more of a fun toy for me that they would also enjoy which is why I'm not really looking for a RDIAS, registered lowers, belt feds, ect as I've already had extensive trigger time with m16s, m4s, ect and own/have owned multiple ARs and they're just not my favorite platform for autos. The HK sears and all seem like they may be the best route to go as it also gives them multiple options for a firearm as well as a great resale value. Just seeing if anyone here has been in a similar situation and what route they went


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Oct 21, 2015
Northern Virginia
I’d 2nd what another said about renting some. Make a long drive halfway across the state to a rental place if needed. You’d be surprised by what you find. I personally like Stens much more than Uzis and it’s from their ease in shooting (not having to really really push down the thumb safety) and their cadence. They just hover in your hand. Thompsons were very very large length of pull wise. I disliked those more than any other transferable firearm, but apparently there is some kind of an adjustable stock out there.

My vote is a Sten, but you should rent several to find out which you can easily cross off your list. A sterling is not on your list and that might be a very very healthy medium of what your are weighing out options wise.


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Sep 19, 2004
Get an American 180. 275 rds of .22 on tap and even the little guys can handle one. E&L still makes parts. 9" and 14" suppressor ready bbls swap out easily. Fixed or folding wire stock options.


UZI Talk Life Member
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Dec 25, 2002
I get what you are saying about the M16 or RDIAS but if you like to tinker, it is the ultimate.
Nothing else comes close in regards to aftermarket support and accessories. It is also easy to work on. You don't need a hydraulic press to swap barrels like you do on an HK.
These days, I don't shoot much 5.56 in my M16 variants, I'm mainly using them for 22LR and 9mm using CMMG's Radially Delayed blowback BBL/BCG's.
With my RDIAS, I run a .40SW and .45 ACP CMMG RDB setup.

For tinkering, you can control the cyclic rate from the 400's to over 1000 RPM with varying methods.

In these times, ammo and reloading components are hard to get and expensive. M16 / RDIAS variants probably have more caliber options than any other platform and still be easy to work on.

Considering you have young kids, you can't beat the M16 for 22LR options. I run my mag fed 22LR kits with the 50 round BDM drums and on special occasions will break out the belt fed LM7 22LR upper and I have a 500 round belt for that.
Video of a friend's son shooting mine w/ 500 rounds. I think he was 14 or so at the time:

I also recommend the UZI but they are certainly not as flexible when it comes to tinkering.


UZI Talk Life Member
Feedback: 9 / 0 / 0
Apr 28, 2012
Rdias, M16RR, hk sear,

or perhaps, get one of the more
interesting uzis: Mini uzi or micro uzi

A&S Conversions

UZI Talk Life Member
Feedback: 5 / 0 / 0
Mar 9, 2006
Southern New Hampshire
Usmc91, I think it is great that you want to think of your boys, but we are talking about your collection. Machineguns are very expensive toys. I would think that the market value of the guns would be better spent investing in their future. What would the market value of a M11/NINE be 20 +/z years from now? Would that money be better spent on education, down payment on their own place to live or in setting them up with their own small business? I don't know.

For myself, I have two kids. I certainly wish to help them start their lives. Until then, I plan on using some of that money on firearms that make me happy. I had a Fleming HK sear. I still own 25 host guns. I still have my DIAS. I have a 6" barrel with a .22lr kit to a 20" water cooled beltfed with lots in between. When the time comes, I might very well have to sell some toys to set them up. But until then, I am going to buy and sell the stuff I want to shoot, not what I think they might like to own 20 years from now. If you want a HK sear,I would think that the three M11/NINEs plus some cash will get you there. Good luck with your decision.

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