I got the ok from the wife to get another MG at some point this year. The trouble is I can't figure out what to get next. I already have a couple of M11/9s and several uppers/caliber conversions for them. I'm not really interested in any belt feds or RDIAS type of items as I really enjoy the subgun type of firearms, especially in 9mm. I'm basically stuck between a Sten type, MP-40, possibly a MP5 or maybe even a Thompson. Im honestly really not sure but know I want a subgun. The BRP STG line of firearms really seems like a great investment for what I'm looking for as it still has a company producing parts for it, it seems to be loved by anyone who owns one, and can be configured in many different configurations such as a Suomi, Thompson, can kinda look like a Sten and can also be a tripod mounted butterfly grip, ect. If anyone else who's had the same "problem" has any advice or guidance on the next potential purchase please let me know which subgun or MG you chose and why. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated