UZI Talk Supporter

KingTiger said:Just got everything to play well together a couple of weeks ago. Thanks for all the suggestions & help guys!
Have to ask.
What kind of suppressor set up you have there? It looks very cool.
KingTiger said:Just got everything to play well together a couple of weeks ago. Thanks for all the suggestions & help guys!
Stellar Rigs said:My favorite is the little .380
I welded a weaver rail behind the cocking knob and put a see-thru mount on to get the laser up over ANY can. A little mill work at the muzzle and finally I smoothed out all the rough welds B4 having the whole thing parked and darkened in hot blue. I like the way it came out so much that I carry it concealed from time to time.
Stellar Rigs said:still trying to get image uploaded
Energizer said:looks like a two-stage sionics or clone.
Stellar Rigs said:My favorite is the little .380
I welded a weaver rail behind the cocking knob and put a see-thru mount on to get the laser up over ANY can. A little mill work at the muzzle and finally I smoothed out all the rough welds B4 having the whole thing parked and darkened in hot blue. I like the way it came out so much that I carry it concealed from time to time.
SubGunFan said:With a new muzzle brake................ The brake still needs to be parked.
PS: Not me shooting.....................
Oh yeah.... The "woop-ass package" is looking much better.....![]()
Energizer said:whats a good site for hosting videos?
douglasschuckert said:+1 here... Would free be asking to much?
Energizer is free, but they want me to install their toolbar.... sorry, not happening... just lost a hard disk, bought a new one and reinstalled everything, don't care to have any software I don't "need".... including freeware that may contain adware and other BS.
douglasschuckert said:+1... Thats why I use a MACintosh. Since I've had this MAC I have had 0 problems with Adware, Spyware, Hackerware, ect... My system hasn't spontainiously crashed, hickuped, farted, nothing. It's been perfect in almost every way. The learning curve from PC to MAC was a bit longer than I'd have liked, but once you learn how it does its thing, its SOOO much more simple than a PC. I will never purchase a PC for an everyday computer again. MAC all the way.
Energizer said:well, you have an OS that only uses certain software, hardware, and drivers, which reduces problems. Plus, since there are way more PC users out there, hackers and script kiddies tend to target machines to which they will have the most impact. Why target MACs when you can harm so many more PCs? Comparing the OS, MACs are probably more vulnerable than PCs.
hotbrass said:"Creating a virus for a Mac is like slapping a baby."
"The MAC operating system is like the monorail at Disney World.
It's kind of spectacular and fun, but it doesn't go much of anywhere.
Still, the kids like it." :laugh