Ohio State SubGun Match results


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Jun 16, 2019
Thanks for everyone who came out and shot the match yesterday. I also want to thank everyone who stayed to help clean up as well as the tribute to Mike. Here are the results of the match:

1-Zack Hook 99.27
2- John Bosio 103.26
3-JL Holden 138.34
4-Cory Bach 141.42
5-Joe Klemkow 147.35
6-Joyce Carrere 169.33
7-Bruce Emery 174.57
8-Clifton York 188.18
9-Joe Carrere 194.57
10-Chet Gigandet 213.26
11-Nick Childs 219.69
12-Joe Ross 222.04
13-Charles Sams 248.86
14-Ted Sikorski 245.74
15-Chet Gigandet 273.43
16-Elijah Rush 332.85

1-John Bosio 115.80
2-Tom James 134.60
3-JL Holden 170.24
4-Bruce Emery 172.32
5-Brian Pinkerton 248.94
6-Brian Pinkerton 261.80
7-Nick Childs 332.89
8-Mike Grove 383.26

1-Zach Hook 96.39
2- Tom James 123.35
3-Frank Ross 126.18
4-Joe Klemkow 130.73
5-Bruce Emery 138.95
6-Charles Sams 139.90
7-Cory Bach 147.18
8-Elijah Rush 166.57
9-Frank Ross 217.84
10-Joe Carrere 220.95
11-Joyce Carrere 227.06
12-Clifton York 227.94
13-Ted Sikorski 258.80
14-Mike Grove 352.08

1-Joe Ross 116.78
2-Bruce Emery 132.72
3-Andrew Westmill 139.30
4-Hunter Jordan 140.95
5-Hunter Jordan 146.47
6-Andrew Westmill 149.33
7-Kylie Klemkow 266.86
8-Emily Ross 271.71
9-Emily Ross 278.26
10-Mackenzie Klemkow 307.80

There are videos of some of my runs over on my YouTube channel American Sub Gunner as well as video of the night run and the tribute.

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