"New Transferrables" - What all have you seen or head of?


UZI Talk Life Member
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Jan 2, 2006
A firm out of Broderick CA late 70s early 80s had tons of dealer samples from all over the world.I HAD a sales brochure but not any longer.Their slogan was "ARMEX delivers they really do".


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Mar 7, 2007
South West PA
How does one check the status change of a sample to see if it’s transferable. We have a couple of old mgs rentals in the shop. Idk how to check.
You need an ATF efiles account to check. Log in and choose the FFL/SOT (you) then Form 3 (if you choose form 4 the lines are not color-coded and there is no "restrictions" column) then "add" firearm, your inventory will display, transferable lines will be white, pre-May orange, restricted post-samples will be red you can go to the restrictions column on the far right to see what they are if any.

Don't count on what you see there, many have reported that their "new transferable" were denied transfer to non-SOTs.
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Sep 11, 2013
Raleigh, NC
If you were hoping that the reclassification of some pre-samples would significantly lower the asking price of the already available transferables, I'm sorry to say, that's not going to happen.
And if you thought that these newly "transferable" pre-samples will be selling for anywhere near pre-sample prices, I'm even more sorry to say, that's not going to be the case.

Until this situation stabilizes and solid, repeated selling prices are established, I'm betting most people wanting to flip their new transferables are going to send them to one auction or another to maximize their return.
But even after the dust settles, you can bet that if anything, these new transferables are going to be selling for signifigantly more than their older transferable versions. At least for the ones that are "real" versions of the conversions that up until now, have been all we had available. Like UZIs and MP5s.
Because if you have a choice between a Group/Vector UZI, a IMI model A/B conversion or a real, made as a SMG, IMI UZI for around the same price, everyone would pick the real UZI SMG.
Why mess with conversions or clones when you can have the real deal?

And things like Walther MPL/MPK, Steyr MPI69/81 and Beretta PM12S? They never had transferable clones or conversions available on the transferable market until now, so they are going to be highly sought after and command unknown (for now) prices.

Newly transferable samples that have real, older transferable examples (like M3A1 grease gun, Thompsons, MG34s) will be about the same price as their older transferable versions, maybe a few hundred less, because there is no physical difference between the sample and the older transferable except for the time it was registered.
This makes sense. These are now a hot potato and the auction house is the most logical place for it. I would think you'd want it on a form 3 first though.


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Sep 11, 2013
Raleigh, NC
Here is a little tidbit off of HKpro this morning.

1074 posts · Joined 2010

#52 · 12h ago
Well I have a update !! I tried to transfer a known Pre86 MP5 dealer sample, that was purchased here on the forum for 55k and it was denied , and end the discussion about pre86 pd guns becoming transferable , this was the gun we could add to a form 4 and such . So buyers please be aware .
Sounds like money should be held in escrow if you take a shot at one of these. I still think getting it on a transferable form 3 make sense first.


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Oct 12, 2005
Tampa, FL
Remember ARMEX?
Very well .....
What they didn't sell as Pre-86 samples, they cut and sold as kits thru the Dealer Warehouse.
I stopped by there in '91 or '92 and bought 3 MP-38 kits for 300 a pop, An Austen kit for 275, and a complete saw-cut Star Model MD machine pistol .....nickel plated with silver Mexican "Eagle" grips for 200. They had pallets of single saw cut M3A1's for 175 each ....
I think John Bush was there the day I stopped by ..... I was going thru all the kits to try to find matching parts, nice bakelite, and MP-38 bolts with the "hook" charging handles ..... might have actually irritated them a tad.
I "flipped" the MP-38 kits on Ebay for between 6-800 each, and thought I was making out like a bandit.
I doubt many Pre-86 Armex offerings came in directly for LE use/sale ..... not a lot of agencies buying Schnellfeuers or Owen Guns in the '90's


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Mar 7, 2007
South West PA
Common language refers to any non-transferable MG as a "dealer sample", both pre and post 86.
So I don't place too much stock in the words we use to describe them. There are so many. "Pre-sample", "pre-may", "dealer sample", etc.

But I do agree that to qualify, it has to be brought in for a gov/le entity.
What I am curious about is what criteria are they using to make that determination.
Assuming for the sake of argument that the gun in question was a LE used gun, is it who actually did the importation or is it how many hands the gun in question passed through before the LE agency acquired it that disqualifies it as a "new transferable".
The import form 6 will state "for law enforcement use" or something similar.
ATF refers to the status as "Govt Use Exception"
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Well-known member
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Jul 29, 2011
And also way, way overpriced.
There was a guy trying to sell one on Strum a few months ago for $25k, and it wasn't selling. To ask over double of that is just insanity.

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