New to HK need suggestions for DLO Box


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Dec 25, 2015
I just agreed to purchase a DLO box/frame ($40k for the curious) and while it churns through the paperwork mill I need to find a host weapon of the MP5 family for starters. A buddy just got a semi-auto SP5 ($4000 at Impct Guns in Utah) and this seems the obvious route to a genuine HK host gun but what are the other options? Where does a guy find a host gun and also I think I will need an SEF trigger housing, correct? The DLO frame comes with internals installed in the frame. Thanks in advance for any help. SOA


UZI Talk Life Member
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Apr 28, 2012
Fwiw, I own a couple DLO boxes.

Be aware, out of the box the SP5 is not sear ready.
They are a few out there who can do the required mods to make it work (MM & TSC come to mind).

For clones, I think Dakota Tactical makes
some really awesome sear-ready guns.
Parabellum Combat Systems also has a pretty good reputation.

Longer term, you prob want an MM21/23E belt fed sear host
From Michael’s Machines. Takes about a year from specing an
order to getting devivery. BPP also makes a 23e clone (I have no experience with them).

You will need SEF housing(s) appropriate for the sear hosts
You plan to use + cal-specific ejector levers & maybe a rifle hammer spring.
This place has all the parts

Hit me up if you have any other questions…
— Matt


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Dec 25, 2015
I talked with Mike at TSC. He said get an HK94 - any old beater HK94, and a FA BC and trigger housing; F1 it to an SBR; then send it all to him and he’ll put it together.

Does that sound about right?

A&S Conversions

UZI Talk Life Member
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Mar 9, 2006
Southern New Hampshire
I agree with Matt, a 94 conversion is the way to go for a sear host if you want a HK receiver clone. It is not impossible, but a "beater 94" is pretty rare in my opinion. Back in the day when HK was importing the 94, it was an expensive rifle. So owners tend to take care of them. By all means, look for one, but don't be surprised if you can't find a rough one for cheap money at your local dealer. Congratulations on the purchase.



UZI Talk Supporter
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Sep 11, 2013
Raleigh, NC
I don't own one, and I don't play in such classy guns, but I have always thought it strange to go to such lengths to get a correct and as German as possible HK, when there are sear ready hosts that you can buy for much less.

I heard of Dakota tactical, but I think the PTR are sear ready too.

PTR 9CT. Bout $2k

I mean here it is IN STOCK for $1729
Lifetime warranty
Get the brace A2 clone stock for $200 and SBR while you wait, or just keep that on until you put the trigger pack in, at which time you can legally install an A2 stock.

And you need mags too dude. $100 a pop if you can find them. Last year I bought up mags for every gun I thought I'd ever own, including the AM180 for which I own 3 drums, a loader, and some other crap and I've never even held one. But when I got down to the MP5 I just couldn't stomach it. That is the only one I've held off on because of those mag prices.
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Mr. Miata, UZI Talk Life Member,
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Nov 12, 2005
I've had very good luck with the "gen 10" Special Weapons/Coharie Arms guns as hosts.
I just picked up an SW89 KFS (reverse stretch) Special Weapons receiver from Wade Bailey who was great to deal with. The receiver was about $900 and I had to pick up an MP5K foregrip and RCM bolt carrier group from RTG Parts.

I'd get an SP5 and get modded to run with your pack before I got a beater HK94 which will cost you much more in the end after you get it all converted.

I really like the PTR PDW in .308. I had to get a new stock plate/recoil rod and a full auto carrier, but it runs great.
I also have a CA93 Pistol in 5.56 that required a #15 locking piece (the #8 didn't work) and now runs great.
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Apr 26, 2015
I talked with Mike at TSC. He said get an HK94 - any old beater HK94, and a FA BC and trigger housing; F1 it to an SBR; then send it all to him and he’ll put it together.

Does that sound about right?

For a full sized gun this is going to be one of the best options. A sp5 can have the removable trip mod that Mike does done to it. I wouldn't go with Michael's machine and him removing the rear semi block as most of the other smiths will not do it. The ATF handbook on nfa items says it's not legal to do as well. The removeable trip though doesn't modify the host but its an extra thing to fail.

For the sp5k or sp5k pdw(the mp5k guns they make) you just need to get the carrier welded to f/a spec and it will work.

For clones I'd go with PCS.


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Dec 25, 2015
Thank you very much gentlemen. I'm not opposed to a clone especially for a shooter so I'll look into those while chasing the holy grail HK94 (or SP89) for a sear ready host SBR conversion.

It does seem ridiculous to pay upwards of $10k for a host for a $40K trigger pack, but it is what it is. OTOH, I could be acquiring MAC10s for the price of those German hosts and breed them with Lage uppers. It never ends!


UZI Talk Life Member
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Apr 28, 2012
I talked with Mike at TSC. He said get an HK94 - any old beater HK94, and a FA BC and trigger housing; F1 it to an SBR; then send it all to him and he’ll put it together.

Does that sound about right?

Yep, that is the path to a decent HK MP5 - TSC does awesome work.
You'll likely end up needing need bolt parts and a few others if you go down that path as well.

The main reason to go down this this custom path if you want a full custom MP5 (e.g. rails) or uber-perfection all HK gun.
I have uber-perfection all HK guns, but mostly shoot clones.

-- Matt

A&S Conversions

UZI Talk Life Member
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Mar 9, 2006
Southern New Hampshire
It does seem ridiculous to pay upwards of $10k for a host for a $40K trigger pack, but it is what it is. OTOH, I could be acquiring MAC10s for the price of those German hosts and breed them with Lage uppers. It never ends!

Where did you come up with a five figure converted 94 host? Here is a Dyer Navy conversion for $5,500 plus the stamp. I found this in two minutes on Fun Broker. "If you want HK you gotta pay", but $10,000 for a non belt fed host is ridiculous.



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Nov 22, 2017
That gun, SN 6666 is also pitted to shit, has been for sale
For 7 months, and was discussed here

So I’m not sure it’s representative of the going price.

I was thinking the same thing. Looks like my dog chewed on it and it got painted over- as is condition. That’s a beater with lipstick if you ask me. I didn’t make it to the last 10 pics assuming they show the internals? Hard pass for me.


UZI Talk Life Member
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Apr 28, 2012
I was thinking the same thing. Looks like my dog chewed on it and it got painted over- as is condition. That’s a beater with lipstick if you ask me. I didn’t make it to the last 10 pics assuming they show the internals? Hard pass for me.

Lol, they skipped the internals pics - I can just imagine the horrorshow…
Maybe that gun passed through TD’s shop long ago in a previous life, but
I can’t imagine TD wants his name anywhere near that thing in its current condition.
He prob did the initial SBR conversion long ago.
That being said, I’m sure if that gun to TD or TSC
They could put a nice shine on that turd & make it into
Something more respectable…

A&S Conversions

UZI Talk Life Member
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Mar 9, 2006
Southern New Hampshire
And that would be someone else's find. I had a Vollmer converted 94 that came "married" to my Fleming sear. As part of the conversion, Vollmer had engraved the serial number of the sear onto the magwell. After "divorcing" the sear from the 94, I had found a pair of HK MP5 parts sets and had them built into pistols by Jeff at PCS. After having the pistols for a couple of years, I decided to sell the converted 94 as it sat in the safe. I had Joe at Dakota Tactical strip the receiver, weld up the engraving, repark and refinish the receiver, the bolt group, and internals. You would swear that it was a new gun. It cost me $800 as I recall. So I would imagine that the linked converted 94 could have the finish restored. Any converted 94 would need to be refinished because of the welding to add the paddle mag release. So unless you got HK to install the paddle mag release, every converted 94 does not have a factory finish.

In my opinion the finish is not going to effect how well the gun runs. So run it for a while with your new trigger frame. Once you get another couple of hosts, send this one in to get freshened up. That Dyer converted 94 is an SBR. You could get it refinished while you're waiting on the transfer. My 94 was smoother shooting than the two clones ever were. The Vollmer converted 94 was broken in and ran great with factory mags. But I only had $1,800 in each one of the two clone pistols. I couldn't justify the 94 sitting in the safe, but I also couldn't justify beating on the collectible 94 when I had less than what I got for it, for two clones built from HK parts sets and a couple of SW receivers.



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Nov 22, 2017
Duly noted. But the cost of the beater sbr plus getting it all “prettied” up again puts you back up to where you be for a rdts or a Dakota factory “refinished” with no other issues would cost. So this one seems pricey for the extra work. I’m all about shooting guns. Use them as you would anything else. I have beaters and items that have never been fired. I have a colt python silhouette that has never been fired. And I have a 4 inch beater. The silhouette has been pristine for this long, I won’t shoot it but that’s a different story. My m10 was purchased new in box, I broke that out on day 2 of stamp approval receipt and never stopped!! My point, the sbr 94 above is fine but pricey for a gun that appears suffer neglect or lack of decent care. It’s a used gun that appears to be beat up. Consider a used car. Appearances are 90% of the price. Lol.


Feedback: 7 / 0 / 0
Oct 22, 2003
I just purchased a Fleming sear in a SEF pack. I just purchased a 4 position burst pack/housing and planning on going the SP5 route.


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Dec 25, 2015
I just purchased a Fleming sear in a SEF pack. I just purchased a 4 position burst pack/housing and planning on going the SP5 route.

What have you learned about going that route? What are the barriers and the proposed work-arounds?
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