New to full auto M1919a4s and interested in this one for sale. Could you help me?


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Oct 21, 2015
Northern Virginia

I’m not new to transferable machine guns, but I am new to M1919a4s. I’ve seen this one, and I am asking if folks who are more experienced can offer their input regarding if this is a good M1919a4, bad one, and why?

It’s selling for $26k. Not sure if this is normal but maybe an initial gripe is the serial number seems very hard to read. Maybe some surface rust is also going on. Does someone more experienced have any strong thoughts good or bad?

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Dec 3, 2006
Hi, There are smarter folks than me on the board but I'll give it a start.

Obviously a DLO sideplate gun that looks like it was built for 30-06. The .308 left front and left rear cartridge stops/guides were added to shoot .308. The right rear cartridge stop has not been cut/clearanced for .308 IMHO. I've shot guns like this and we used linked ammo that was not fully seated in the links. If fully seated in the links I think the right rear cartridge stop will hang-up on the link. The bolt is (again obviously) a .308 bolt. Top cover has likely been swapped out with a .308 cover but it is a bit hard to tell by me (again, not that experienced).

A6 conversion looks like an Izzy as the USGI uses a shorter barrel and shroud on the A6.

I'm with you. S/N looks funky. I hope it was blurred in photoshop and not in real life. "Orange" surfaces seem odd on expensive hardware.

I'm not good at pricing.



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