MODEL A front sight

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May 20, 2020
For elevation:
Turning the front sight clockwise (turning right) moves the point of impact up.
Turning the front sight counter-clockwise (turning left) moves the point of impact down..

For Windage,
If the point of impact is 1" to the right,
You would move the front sight post slightly to the LEFT (COUNTER CLOCKWISE) ensure the point of impact is the same as point of aim..

Is that correct?
I am getting conflicting info about the windage...
Some are saying slight moving the front sight slightly to the RIGHT (clockwise) will move point of impact to LEFT...



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Sep 19, 2004
Just think of it as a simple geometry problem. The unadjustable sight is the pivot point. So if the rear stays the same, moving the front sight to the right means you have to point the bbl left to align the sights. Same with elevation, lowering the sight means raising the bbl.

So, front sight adjustable, point of impact moves opposite of the sights, rear adjustable point of impact moves same direction.


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Mar 4, 2021
Up / Down is obvious, I did trial and error for left and right, like slimshady said you can't go by counterclockwise etc because if the post is closer to the middle of the gun counterclockwise moves the post left to right, if the post i is closer to the barrel end counterclockwise moves the post right to left.

Paul Kersey

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Feb 28, 2017
I use my fingers to create a front and rear sight and move them to see how that will affect where the bullet goes.

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