Knob Creek Fall 2021 SubGun Match Runs


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Jun 16, 2019
At the SubGun Range we had 218 completed runs and if you add in the DNFs or DQs we had 232 (I think) Im exhausted. Looking forward to driving home.

The final results of the Fall 2021 Knob Creek National SubGun Match were certified last night by 9pm and I can proudly say that I took 1st in three classes and 3rd in another. I was also the Top Gun award winner-meaning i shot the fastest run out of those 218 competed runs. Of the top four fastest runs made-I had 3 of them....and I did NOT use a Thompson or my M3, but rather a Swedish K and MP5.

I spent way more than I planned but I purchased a good amount of parts for other subguns and such. Also picked up a nice pile of items to resell.

Here are links to my top 3 runs


Well-known member
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May 19, 2004
Yeah, there’s that Greasegunner guy. and then there’s the rest of us.

Hey, do you know where they are going to post the final scores?
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Well-known member
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Mar 5, 2014
My buddy Zack had a solid run:

the few hours I watched there was a bunch of good runs. Twzadams (Cory) had a great run despite some tech difficulties. Thankfully Richard Lage was able to help him out.


Well-known member
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Jan 31, 2014
Any chance someone can post the list or link?

Checked the website & Facebook, no dice.

Hopeful to break top 10 and I would be happy.

Thanks, Matt
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Well-known member
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Jun 16, 2019
They should be posted on here and on the Knob Creek website. I have paper copies of the scores at home.


Well-known member
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Jan 31, 2014
Nice job GreaseGunner! The Swedish K run was great!

Cant wait to see where I placed. My goal has been top 10. This was my 4th SMG match and I have things to work on... but that's the fun in it.



Well-known member
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Mar 14, 2008
I had a really great time at the Creek on Saturday. I had only brought my gun and some ammo in a carrier for the jungle walk, knowing that I was too under-prepared to compete in a match. But Richard and Chris and the guys encouraged me to give it a try anyway and helped me talk to the match guys who were more than happy to help accommodate my fun-run. I really suck at sweeps and mag changes, but it was a lot of fun anyways.

20211009_155648 by E P, on Flickr

The KC Subgun match was something that I always wanted to do but put off year after year. So I'm glad I got to squeeze in one of the last runs at the last Knob Creek! Special thanks to Chris (esp for running the camera!) Richard, Garrett, Shaggy, Greaseman, and the other competitors and ROs whose names I didn't catch.


Active member
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Jan 28, 2003
Wish I could of made it. Life got in the way this year.

Next year I should be back at the remaining shoots.



UZI Talk Life Member
Feedback: 71 / 0 / 0
Sep 4, 2007
I had a really great time at the Creek on Saturday. I had only brought my gun and some ammo in a carrier for the jungle walk, knowing that I was too under-prepared to compete in a match. But Richard and Chris and the guys encouraged me to give it a try anyway and helped me talk to the match guys who were more than happy to help accommodate my fun-run. I really suck at sweeps and mag changes, but it was a lot of fun anyways.

20211009_155648 by E P, on Flickr

The KC Subgun match was something that I always wanted to do but put off year after year. So I'm glad I got to squeeze in one of the last runs at the last Knob Creek! Special thanks to Chris (esp for running the camera!) Richard, Garrett, Shaggy, Greaseman, and the other competitors and ROs whose names I didn't catch.

Awesome!!! Good job on not rushing through the course. Those guys are really great athletic supporters. :) Now eat some burgers thin man. :)

Paul Winters

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Oct 20, 2006
2021 Knob Creek Subgun Results

Here are the unofficial Knob Creek Subguns Results. Congrats to John Bozio for his blinding Open Optic TOP GUN run. It was a great time and we ran 218 for score and 232 for all runs. Hope y’all enjoyed it. Thanks for all the RO’s who did a great job. Big thanks to Kenny, Tracey, Gina and staff who were there for us. I especially want to acknowledge our Match Director Shaggy Anderson for doing a fantastic job of making this such a success. Finally, thanks to all the shooters who came out to play. We are not done with Subgun matches. There will be more subgun competitions moving forward. We will keep you posted.

Paul Winters

Female Shooters
Place Score Shooter Gun Class Model
1 63.15 Joyce Carrerre 0 Open Bolt/Optic Sights
2 70.46 Caroline Blaschik Sterling Open Bolt/Optic Sights
3 72.05 Rachel Bodron UZI Open Bolt/Optic Sights
4 88.05 Samantha Glover STERLING Open Bolt/Iron Sights
110.18 Samantha Glover AK Closed Bolt/Optic Sights
5 110.19 Donna Holden MP5 Closed Bolt/Iron Sights
116.58 Caroline Blaschik AK Closed Bolt/Optic Sights
6 119.73 Amy Grocox AK Closed Bolt/Optic Sights
7 123.89 Cindy McCumbers Scorpion Open Bolt/Optic Sights
129.17 Donna Holden MP5 Closed Bolt/Optic Sights
146.70 Rachel Bodron THOOMPSON Open Bolt/Iron Sights
8 184.61 Katie Holden MP5 Closed Bolt/Optic Sights
9 190.07 Sandy Anderson MP5 Closed Bolt/Optic Sights
10 213.82 Katie Holden MP5 Closed Bolt/Iron Sights
11 221.71 Deb Jordan UZI Open Bolt/Optic Sights
12 225.77 DEBBY FREDRICK MP5 Closed Bolt/Iron Sights

Closed Bolt/Iron Sights
Place Score Shooter Gun Model
1 18.95 John Bosio MP5
2 46.32 Chase King MP5
3 47.47 Brian Luettke MP5
4 52.09 Chris Hipes M16
5 54.57 Wes Johnson MP5
6 55.38 Tom James MP5
7 56.10 Andy Blaschik AK
8 59.33 Cory Bach M16
9 59.77 J.L. Holden MP5
10 61.97 Tom Carpenter MP5
11 64.39 Derek Giddings MP5
12 64.96 Wesley Davidson MP5
13 65.85 Cain Grocox MP5
14 71.78 Chad McCumbers MP5
15 81.34 Alex Montgomery MP5
16 83.54 John Anderson MP5
17 86.62 Richard Lage SMG.X
18 88.50 Ethan Kaiser MP5
19 91.01 Shawn Alava AK
20 91.97 Garrett Jackson MAX31
21 93.40 WyATT Carlson MP5
22 94.89 Joe Jensen MP5
23 97.25 Israel Jefferson MP5
24 98.05 Mike Kummer RIESING
25 100.05 Keith Jensen MP5
26 105.95 CORY Holden MP5
27 107.13 Ed Varner MP5
28 107.40 Joel Baillie MP5
29 109.63 Edward Schillig M16
30 111.99 Yates Crawford MP5
31 122.06 Joe Genovese MP5
32 122.09 Joe Bosio MP5
33 130.28 Nick Childs MP5
34 134.22 Austin Hipes MP5
35 143.28 Max Schillig M16
36 145.62 John Carlson MP5
37 191.89 Dan Nudelma AK
38 195.94 Bill Carlson MP5

Closed Bolt/Optic Sights
Place Score Shooter Gun Model
1 19.15 John Bosio MP5
2 37.14 Garrett Jackson MAX31
3 37.66 Derek Giddings MP5
4 40.91 Brian Luettke MP5
5 41.00 Cory Bach M16
6 41.70 Cody Hammons MP5
7 42.35 Wes Johnson MP5
8 44.27 Andy Blaschik AK
9 44.43 Chase King MP5
10 45.55 Richard Lage SMG-X
11 48.07 J.L. Holden MP5
12 48.29 Austin Hipes MP5
13 51.25 Tom Carpenter MP5
14 56.52 Dan Nudelma AK
15 62.83 Chris Hipes M16
16 76.82 CORY Holden MP5
17 77.29 Shawn Alva AK
18 78.75 Stuart Whitmore M16
19 81.14 Nick Childs MP5
20 83.25 Wyatt Carlson MP5
21 83.38 Joel Baillie MP5
22 83.76 Jonathan Cruz M16
23 84.56 Tom James MP5
24 85.93 Jesse Carlton M16
25 92.13 Cain Grocox AK
26 92.63 M.G. Sawyer M16
27 94.36 Max Schillig M16
28 105.28 Wesley Davidson MP5
29 109.63 David Saylors mp5
30 117.86 Edward Schillig M16
31 123.37 Robert Newhouse AK
32 134.35 Joe Bosio MP5
33 149.93 Jason Sandrige MP5
34 151.25 Roger Singletary MP5
35 152.40 Joe White M16
36 160.56 Mike, Sr Rouse M16
37 163.20 Keith Hoffman M16
38 163.79 Hop Carlson MP5
39 173.60 BiLL Carlson MP5
40 197.62 Duke Young MP5
41 199.14 Harold Littell MP5

Open Bolt/Iron Sights
Place Score Shooter Gun Model
1 23.93 Chris Hipes UZI
2 41.53 Andy Blaschik Sterling
3 43.37 John Bosio K
4 46.30 Matt Vandervest SWedish K
5 49.80 Jono Smith K
6 50.31 Austin Hipes MAX10
7 52.03 Chase King UZI
8 58.22 Garrett Jackson MAX11
9 58.70 Tom James THOMPSON
10 59.28 Brian Luettke Uzi
11 59.76 Cain Grocox STERLING
12 62.79 Richard Lage Max 11
13 63.06 Wyatt Carlson THOMPSON
14 66.96 Edward Schillig MAX31
15 68.20 Harold Littell M1A1
16 69.02 John Russell Swedish K
17 71.01 Max Schillig MAX31
18 77.17 Jeff Russell SWedish K
19 78.13 J.L. Holden THOMPSON
20 79.92 Andrew Asnip Sterling
21 82.25 Derek Giddings MP40
22 85.28 Brian Pandiscia MP5
23 85.60 Dan Rainbolt SWedish K
24 92.37 Joe Bosio Swedish K
25 92.57 Ron Montgomery UZI
26 95.08 Shawn Alava Sterling
27 95.80 Joe Klemkow M10
28 98.13 Brandon Norman M11
29 98.66 John Carlson THOMPSON
30 100.51 Terry Zegar Sterling
31 100.79 Cory Holden THOMPSON
32 110.80 Joel Baillie Sterling
33 111.61 Mike Kummer M3 GREASEGUN
34 113.01 Zachary Hook M11
35 113.60 Bill Carlson THOMPSON
36 117.95 Erux Pate M11
37 127.26 Nick Childs THOMPSON
38 132.05 Tim Zegar Swedish K
39 134.65 Grant Clark Swedish K
40 135.18 Bob Bodron THOMPSON
41 135.49 Pete Ramos UZI
42 141.51 Hop Carlson THOMPSON
43 145.12 Alex Ferencz 76
44 218.10 James Hall M11
45 218.97 Raymond Fleming MAC10
46 333.30 Nathaniel Perle UZI

Open Bolt/Optic Sights
Place Score Shooter Gun Model
1 16.89 John Bosio K TOP GUN
2 18.46 Andy Blaschik Sterling
3 21.88 Chris Hipes UZI
4 21.95 Garrett Jackson MAX11
5 22.75 Jono Smith K
6 28.90 Richard Lage SMG-X
7 32.31 Shawn Alava Sterling
8 33.26 Andrew Gilbert Uzi
9 34.69 Jeff Russell SWedish K
10 38.55 Cory Bach M11
11 41.67 Brian Luettke Uzi
12 42.69 Joe Klemkow M10
13 43.35 Tom James THOMPSON
14 44.83 John Russell Swedish K
15 46.83 Andy Montgomery STERLING
16 52.05 Zachary Hook M11
17 54.48 Pete Ramos UZI
18 55.39 Greg Gilbert Sterling
19 56.37 M.G. Sawyer M11
20 56.70 Paul Phillips M11
21 59.08 Chase King UZI
22 59.84 Austin Hipes MAX10
23 64.57 Andrew Asnip Sterling
24 65.59 Mike, Sr Rouse Stemple
25 67.84 Edward Schillig MAX31
26 69.21 James Bembanaste Uzi
27 71.57 John Anderson M11
28 71.94 Joe Bosio Beretta
29 72.10 Joe White M11
30 72.91 Dennis Norman UZI
31 76.26 Max Schillig MAX31
32 78.46 John Hackett UZI
33 78.98 Dan Rainbolt SWedish K
34 79.14 Bob Bodron UZI
35 83.46 Joel Baillie Sterling
36 87.82 David Hineline UZI
37 91.92 Ron Montgomery UZI
38 104.31 James Hall M11
39 110.01 Harold Littell STEN
40 151.26 Ed Varner MP5
41 155.27 Riley Watkins UZI
Place Score Shooter Gun Model
1 17.33 Andy Blaschik Sterling
2 26.66 Garrett Jackson MAX31
3 27.03 Cory Bach M11
4 34.97 John Bosio K
5 41.26 Richard Lage MAX11
6 45.13 Joe Bosio Beretta
7 46.27 Ron Montgomery UZI
8 46.30 Dennis Norman M16
9 48.85 Joe Klemkow M10
10 48.99 Joe White M11
11 55.21 Chris Hipes MAX31
12 56.05 Shawn Alava Sterling
13 56.48 Tom Carpenter MP5
14 56.63 Joyce Carrerre K
15 57.45 Bruce Emery M10 31K
16 58.39 Glen Kreilein M11
17 59.32 Edward Schillig MAX31
18 60.02 Brian Luettke MP5
19 61.81 John Hackett UZI
20 64.23 Mike, Sr Rouse Stemple
21 67.07 Andy Montgomery STERLING
22 69.25 M.G. Sawyer M11
23 69.59 Brandon Norman M11
24 71.94 Caroline Blaschik Sterling
25 72.40 Pete Ramos UZI
26 77.55 Tom James THOMPSON
27 83.09 Jon Cruz M16
28 89.48 James Bembanaste Uzi
29 95.93 Stuart Whitmire M16
30 106.94 Joe Carrerre K
31 115.18 Dan Nudelma AK
32 125.28 Robert Newhouse AK
33 126.49 Raymond Fleming MAC10
34 136.57 Deb Jordan UZI
35 162.28 Amy Grocox AK
36 173.33 Dale Johnson MP5
Place Score Shooter Gun Model
1 17.33 Andy Blaschik Sterling
2 26.66 Garrett Jackson MAX31
3 27.03 Cory Bach M11
4 34.97 John Bosio K
5 41.26 Richard Lage MAX11
6 45.13 Joe Bosio Beretta
7 46.27 Ron Montgomery UZI
8 46.30 Dennis Norman M16
9 48.85 Joe Klemkow M10
10 48.99 Joe White M11
11 55.21 Chris Hipes MAX31
12 56.05 Shawn Alava Sterling
13 56.48 Tom Carpenter MP5
14 56.63 Joyce Carrerre K
15 57.45 Bruce Emery M10 31K
16 58.39 Glen Kreilein M11
17 59.32 Edward Schillig MAX31
18 60.02 Brian Luettke MP5
19 61.81 John Hackett UZI
20 64.23 Mike, Sr Rouse Stemple
21 67.07 Andy Montgomery STERLING
22 69.25 M.G. Sawyer M11
23 69.59 Brandon Norman M11
24 71.94 Caroline Blaschik Sterling
25 72.40 Pete Ramos UZI
26 77.55 Tom James THOMPSON
27 83.09 Jon Cruz M16
28 89.48 James Bembanaste Uzi
29 95.93 Stuart Whitmire M16
30 106.94 Joe Carrerre K
31 115.18 Dan Nudelma AK
32 125.28 Robert Newhouse AK
33 126.49 Raymond Fleming MAC10
34 136.57 Deb Jordan UZI
35 162.28 Amy Grocox AK
36 173.33 Dale Johnson MP5
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