The "100 acre" rule is the most restrictive in Texas. It covers areas (counties) were two or more municipalities have a population over 300k. Think Dallas County and Harris County, for example. You need 100 acres to discharge any weapon in these areas (pistol, shotgun, or rifle). The "10 acre/50 acre" rules covers everywhere else.
This is for private land. There are other statutes for public ranges and private shooting clubs.
Sec. 229.004. REGULATION OF DISCHARGE OF WEAPON BY CERTAIN MUNICIPALITIES. (a) This section applies only to a municipality located in a county in which the majority of the population of
two or more municipalities with a population of 300,000 or more are located.
(b) Notwithstanding Section 229.002, a municipality may not apply a regulation relating to the discharge of firearms or other weapons in the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the municipality or in an area annexed by the municipality on or before September 1, 1981, if the firearm or other weapon is:
(1) a shotgun, air rifle or pistol, BB gun, or bow and arrow discharged:
(A) on a tract of land of
100 acres or more and more than 150 feet from a residence or occupied building located on another property; and
(B) in a manner not reasonably expected to cause a projectile to cross the boundary of the tract; or
(2) a center fire or rim fire rifle or pistol of any caliber discharged:
(A) on a tract of land of
100 acres or more and more than 300 feet from a residence or occupied building located on another property; and
(B) in a manner not reasonably expected to cause a projectile to cross the boundary of the tract.