or you can buy 4-PRO-MAG 30 round HK33 mags for the same price as one 20round HK mag.
yeah, I was very skeptical too, knowing their reputation, so I rolled the dice and I bought one to see............ and surprise, surprise, surprise it work in my VECTOR 53!! perfectly
. fed just like my HK factory mag I got with my V53, didn't jam, misfeeding etc..... so I bought a bunch more of them
. at the time I bought mine they were 12 bucks ea, so buying 6 of those equaled to buying just one HK mag
depending on who made your 93, you may or may not have to tweak the lock up indent on the mag if it doesn't lock up in your gun, but that is a insignificant and minor tweak to do, when it saves you over 40 some bucks per mag