Hi All,
Newish to the MG world and I was wondering about markings made on conversion Uzis pre May 1986. I notice that on IMI conversions it seems a number of them use the serial number that I assume Action Arms used when imported. "SA........." While some make up their own which is imprinted usually on the left side of the receiver along with the name and location. My questions is: was this simply a choice the person made when converting pre May 1986 or was there a reason one method was chosen over the other?
Newish to the MG world and I was wondering about markings made on conversion Uzis pre May 1986. I notice that on IMI conversions it seems a number of them use the serial number that I assume Action Arms used when imported. "SA........." While some make up their own which is imprinted usually on the left side of the receiver along with the name and location. My questions is: was this simply a choice the person made when converting pre May 1986 or was there a reason one method was chosen over the other?