Wondering who is actually in charge of the troops? The other day, I efiled a Form 1 for a can on a Sunday. Anyway, what I wanted to call it was not on the drop down list but I entered the name anyway. At the end of the process, it tells me my ap may be delayed for up to 180 days for research on the model. Called em up on Monday, got a live person in 5min. Told me to use the "ask the experts" tab and let them know of the problem. Did the tab on Tuesday AM and asked if I can change the name to "N/A" that was on the list or kill the AP and start over. Bout 3:40 that same day the status of the ap is changed to submitted with the model I entered which allowed me to send in a cover letter and prints. Seem like a "normal" experience?
So weird “first world problem” question here - I have all three Mac variants…which would be the best 5.57/.223 host? I’m leaning toward the M10, but the M11a1 is so tempting. Also…wondering what this will do to the M10 and M11a1 markets.