2021 Michigan State Subgun Match Results


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Nov 28, 2008
Northern Michigan
Here are the results for the 2021 Michigan State Subgun Match held at the Black Creek Conservation Club in Mt. Pleasant Michigan on Saturday August 14, 2021. Six great stages, a great lunch and good people all around. Special thanks to Garrett Jackson, Clif York and Bruce Emery for their stage designs. The Club did an excellent job hosting this event and providing Club members to help the match run smoothly. Congratulations to the winners and a big thanks to Match Director Paul Winters and the KCR RO’s who kept things running safely. A good time was had by all.

Optic Sights
Place Score Name Gun
1 125.90 Jackson, Garrett M11
2 140.01 Callahan, Sean MP5
3 144.47 Bosio, John MP5
4 170.14 Stevens, Clayt M11
5 173.32 Luettke, Brian MP5
6 174.51 James, Tom Thompson
7 188.20 Emery, Bruce M11
8 201.61 York, Clif Uzi
9 207.50 Carrere, Joe Swed K
10 221.98 Klemkow, Joe M10
11 284.93 Baillie, Joel Sterling
12 311.51 Varner, Ed MP5
13 327.61 Stevens, Karl M11
14 349.45 Bosio, Joe Swed K
15 413.24 Watkins, Riley Uzi
16 417.34 Hackett, John Uzi
17 514.51 Rouse, Mike Stemple
18 555.76 Watkins, Riley Uzi
19 769.74 Hoffman, Keith M16

Iron Sights
Place Score Last Gun
1 167.98 John, Bosio MP5
2 195.77 Brian , Luettke MP5
3 203.38 Tom , James Thompson
4 210.53 Sean , Callahan MP5
5 287.67 Cory, Bach M16
6 317.27 Joel, Baillie Sterling
7 333.55 George , Tannery Thompson
8 373.97 Joe, Bosio Swed K
9 400.82 Ed , Varner MP5

Place Score Last Gun
1 150.01 Emery, Bruce M10
2 162.30 Stevens, Clayt M11
3 164.41 Jackson, Garrett M11
4 184.88 Carrere, Joyce Swed K
5 187.21 Klemkow, Joe M10
6 193.65 York, Clif Uzi
7 229.15 Carrere, Joe Swed K
8 283.21 Stevens, Karl M11
9 325.18 Klemkow, Ashley Sterling
10 340.98 Rouse, Mike Stemple
11 365.29 Tannery, George Swed K
12 395.75 Hackett, John M10

Place Score Last Gun Class
1 213.00 Joyce , Carrere Swed K Optics


Mr. Miata, UZI Talk Life Member,
Feedback: 103 / 0 / 0
Nov 12, 2005

Bummed we missed this one. NEXT year fo sho!
Missing the last creek match, too. :-(
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