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  1. B

    41AE Mags?

    Other uses for them are the UZI 40 S&W conversions I make semi or FA. If you tweak the feed lips they will work for 45acp.
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    List of companies who actually make UZI barrels?

    Most of us start with Green Mountain Rifled blanks and do our own turning and finishing.
  3. B

    WTB railed uzi handguard

    There is 1 other option. My rail system
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    D&D parts questions

    If memory serves. D&D used to convert IMI FA bolts to semi bolts. A remanufactured bolt would qualify as a US part. Drilled out for the firing pin and milled off the bolt face lip and cut the bottom for the striker assy. If you look at the rear of the bolt that will probably tell all. My bet...
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    Mini-Uzi vertical fore grip.

    If you have an extra set of grip panels I can make you a rail system for it.
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    After market front sight post, type B

    I don't have any extras anymore. That was a long time ago. The Model A was easier to do with a threaded post. The B can be done but not easily due to design. I will tell you what I used. It was a Marbles fiber optic shotgun front sight with a long thread. I milled down the sides to make it...
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    Mini top cover prices?

    Thanks for the info Makes me not want to sell the 1 I have
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    Mini top cover prices?

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    Mini top cover prices?

    What's the going price these days for an open bolt FA ratcheting Mini top cover?
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    UZI non optic M1913 Picatinny rail adapters

    I still make the rail system as show in the library. Interlocks with handguards and very solid. Much better than the bayo mounts. $70 shipped. Troy
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    Barrel run update

    The last of the run is going out in the next 10 days, (if my wife can stay out of the hospital.) Thank you all for waiting. I'll be taking a break from making anything for a few months before starting the next project but do have a bunch of parts to sell off from a friends estate. I'll get...
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    Has Anyone else preordered a simi bolt assembly from McKay?

    I have 4 complete semi bolts with extractors and strikers available(no recoil spring) They are used but in great shape and original IMI. $680.00 shipped each. PM me if interested.
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    Uzi barrel orders, Full size, Mini & Micro. Gauging interest

    Nope, Don't want the liability
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    Has anyone throated an Uzi barrel for better feeding?

    No spares at this time. Email me at: It's a 5min fix. Troy
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    Barrel run update

    Much appreciated. Between my wife's issues and my main business getting really busy I'll do my best to get these finished asap. Troy
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    Barrel run update

    Started a new thread to update everyone on progress. I am diligently working on the barrels and about 1/3rd are sent. I am finishing up 20+ this week to ship next week. The delays have been from how busy I am with my main business (if you want to look) but mostly due to dealing...
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    Semi auto bolt assembly

    I will be posting a handful of original IMI semi bolt assy's in a few weeks.
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    Uzi barrel orders, Full size, Mini & Micro. Gauging interest

    At the end of Feb I will start booking more barrels.
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    Uzi barrel orders, Full size, Mini & Micro. Gauging interest

    PMF Won't have any spare barrels until I finish the run that's already books.
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    Has anyone throated an Uzi barrel for better feeding?

    I do it all the time to my barrels, Easy fix for hollow points

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