Search results

  1. Swampfox1951

    My German Cousins Are Sending Tanks To Ukraine With Training Provided By These Guys!

    I think the Russkies may be in for a spot of trouble! Flag: Civil Flag of the Federal Republic of Germany (1949-Present) Emblem: Emblem of the Federal Defense Forces of the Federal Republic of Germany (1956-Present) NOTHING to to with the Third Reich! You should be in a bar one day with a...
  2. Swampfox1951

    Nice idea but........................ will never happen!
  3. Swampfox1951

    Now we have.............

    ............."Assault pistols", at least according to according to Los Angeles County Sheriff Robert Luna, who wrote: "The weapon that we recovered at that second scene I am describing as a magazine-fed semiautomatic assault pistol. Not an assault rifle, but an assault pistol that had an...
  4. Swampfox1951

    Got more websites working..........................
  5. Swampfox1951

    Got more websites working..........................
  6. Swampfox1951

    MAC 10 Receiver Pin Upgrade Options

    This is going to sound nutty but on some of my MACs I just went to the hardware store and bought linchpins with rings. A couple of bucks apiece and worked just fine.
  7. Swampfox1951

    Wanted: Powder Springs Mac 10

    Sent PM.
  8. Swampfox1951

    One of my house guns is.......... old raggedy looking Montgomery Ward 16 gauge that I picked up at a garage sale for seventy-five bucks. I whacked the barrel to 18 1/2" and have it loaded with 2 3/4" No. 2 shotshells. At the ranges with which I am concerned, 25 feet or less, the load is essentially a solid mass but...
  9. Swampfox1951

    Inetoutcomes Offering MAC-10 And M-11/9 Parts And Accessories

    I intend to donate just as soon as I have a few more sales. Fees from a "certain" selling site just ate my lunch! Also I wonder why there is no SSL on this site? I would think it is very important for the security of members.
  10. Swampfox1951

    Inetoutcomes Offering MAC-10 And M-11/9 Parts And Accessories

    You could be right about the classified section. As far as "no stars", I was inactive in the firearms and parts buisiness for several years, off doing a different kind of marketing. I'll take a look at the classified ection and go from there. Thanks for the suggestion!
  11. Swampfox1951

    Inetoutcomes Offering MAC-10 And M-11/9 Parts And Accessories

    As with many things the website is taking much longer to get up than planned. Webguy has come down with a breakthough case of COVID so there ya go! In the meantime since we sell EXCLUSIVELY on Gunbroker, here are search terms that you can use to find our products after you sign up or log in...
  12. Swampfox1951

    Inetoutcomes Offering MAC-10 And M-11/9 Parts And Accessories

    Well, there is that! I always get a kick out of how many of those on the far loony right are spelling disabled! Oh, we ended up having to sacrifice a couple of virgins to get the SSL working but we got it and will have a working website in a day or so!
  13. Swampfox1951

    Inetoutcomes Offering MAC-10 And M-11/9 Parts And Accessories

    Start here: Listing # 950401214 Or search for seller: Inetoutcomes.
  14. Swampfox1951

    Inetoutcomes Offering MAC-10 And M-11/9 Parts And Accessories

    Always gotta be SOMEONE who has to inject POLITICS into every thread possible! How do ya block people around here?
  15. Swampfox1951

    Inetoutcomes Offering MAC-10 And M-11/9 Parts And Accessories

    EGGS-ACKLY! By the way, I have hired that gypsy with the gold capped tooth, sacrificed a chicken and a goat, burnt incense and paid an internet guy to get our website up and running. Waiting for the SSL to be installed then there will be readily available pics.
  16. Swampfox1951

    Inetoutcomes Offering MAC-10 And M-11/9 Parts And Accessories

    The sight plate, stock plate, stock rail guide, magazine well and trigger guard all need to be welded even on a bent flat. There is also some required grinding to smooth out the welds on the back of the gun.
  17. Swampfox1951

    Inetoutcomes Offering MAC-10 And M-11/9 Parts And Accessories

    "Easy bends". Yeah, right. Try getting true 90 degree bends with 12 gauge in a brake and hold the .005" tolerance required in the original blueprints. Good luck! It's all a matter of preference though.
  18. Swampfox1951

    Inetoutcomes Offering MAC-10 And M-11/9 Parts And Accessories

    OK, here we go in answer to your question: (1)The second you bend a flat it is a firearm according to BATFE. What kind of firearm depends on where you put the holes in the side. Put the trigger in the open bolt location and you have an unregistered machine gun which can bring all sorts of joy...
  19. Swampfox1951

    Inetoutcomes Offering MAC-10 And M-11/9 Parts And Accessories

    I think you may mean "bent" on "vent". I do typos like that all the time. The sideplates are for three piece; two sides and a center section style frame welded into a unit.
  20. Swampfox1951

    Inetoutcomes Offering MAC-10 And M-11/9 Parts And Accessories

    I asked him and he replied, "Woof, woof! Bark, bark! WOOF, BARK, BARK!" Now what does all that have to do with anything?

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