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  1. MunsonMan

    Benjamin Netanyahu and his UZI Submachine Gun

    That's the title of an article by Will Dabbs MD in the July issue of Firearms News. If you don't subscribe then by all means pick one up at Walmart or wherever. I never realized how great a man "Bibi" is until reading this. No wonder the Left hates his guts!
  2. MunsonMan

    S&W 76 vs Swedish K

    FYI, there's an article on the Swedish K in the January American Rifleman.
  3. MunsonMan

    45 Win Mag

    Don't forget to purchase a Lee Factory Crimp Die. A must-have accessory when loading for a semi-auto pistol.
  4. MunsonMan

    Any word on Stalking Rhino?

    I had 4 month turn-around time when I sent them my Trident 9. Agreed, quality work.
  5. MunsonMan

    Back when I was really STUPID

    Did your friend detail to you how he registered the gun? I've always been curious about how that 'bring-back' process worked.
  6. MunsonMan

    Congratulations Dave - Nice article in NRA magizine

    Mine just arrived also. A very fine article! I'm going to keep the May issue of AR with my signed copy of Dave's book. Great job! :thumbs_up
  7. MunsonMan

    Is anyone still making semi fullsize uzi 9mm carbines? This one is on Richard's site.
  8. MunsonMan

    PDW - version 2.4

  9. MunsonMan

    Is anyone still making semi fullsize uzi 9mm carbines? Atlantic Firearms has them listed, but sold out right now. It has had good reviews so I personally wouldn't worry too much about the missing swivel.
  10. MunsonMan

    Ohio Ordnance

    In years past they were a pleasure to deal with but Govt and LE contracts seem to be their bread and butter these days. Individual customer repair and refinishing takes a back seat.
  11. MunsonMan

    Storing NFA weapons in a security deposit box

    The correct term is Safe Deposit Box. (Sorry, that's always been a pet peeve of mine.) :)
  12. MunsonMan

    What suppressor calibers are a “must have” ?

    Yes, I just looked it up-- J.D. Jones of SSK Industries also developed Whisper cartridges in 6mm, 6.5mm, 7mm, .338 and .510 caliber.
  13. MunsonMan

    What is good for 22 mag

    You can't go wrong with a Spectre II. I just got a Ruger American .22 Mag and it has a 16.5" barrel. Your can won't get nearly as dirty since the bullets are jacketed. Keep in mind that the new 30 gr. V-Max loads are up there about 2250 fps so you'll still get a healthy sonic crack.
  14. MunsonMan

    Wood Uzi grips & forend?

    Just a guess but could Vector have made them back in the day? I recall that they sold custom wooden UZI buttstocks that were a couple inches longer than IMI wood stocks.
  15. MunsonMan

    Current Fav 9mm can host

    Isn't the Griffin can a clone of the Octane 45? I've seen 9mm endcaps on their website.
  16. MunsonMan

    New website

    That is a well-designed site! Congrats, Richard.
  17. MunsonMan

    9mm Endomags

    Thanks for that! Hopefully I'll get mine this week.
  18. MunsonMan

    Got some FA Full size Uzi .22 caliber love today

    I'm not familiar with the Vector conversion. Does it accept a Black Dog mag?
  19. MunsonMan

    9mm upper

    According to their website Mean Arms is now shipping EndoMag pre-orders. Finally! :m16s

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