Search results

  1. R

    What got you interested in Uzis?

    Looks great with the wear & tape.
  2. R

    Going to look at a Vector full size smg, what to look for?

    Also check the bolt itself if there is the letter G engraved into it located by the opening where a round would eject, if the letter G does appear on the bolt itself you might want to consider swapping it for another FA bolt. Group bolts were problematic (mine was) just in case the Vector has...
  3. R

    Any love for the full auto AUG

    We both have the same AUG setup, I purchased mine 2012/2013 from a Class 3 MD dealer on Sturm. As for MGPG I just looked and last recorded sales in late 2017 were $24k-30k or more. Def check with Pete obviously for any AUG advice & looking at Dan's Movie gun never gets old ! Lucky man.
  4. R

    What got you interested in Uzis?

    Just had to have a full size Uzi to accompany the few classic MG's I currently own, I just wish I had purchased the Mini I had seen listed right around the time I had purchased the full size 6 years back or so.
  5. R

    Just fired a FA AK for the first time....

    Nice to see more pics of your Amnesty reg AK Dan, gorgeous example to say the least. I haven't shot my Fleming converted Polytech in almost 2 years. Rueben has a nice Krink up for sale now at $31995, I am sure it will sell in the upcoming days/weeks.
  6. R

    Ian Shoots an Uzi

    Not sure who Ian is but he appears to enjoy the Uzi, I see the gun has a semi bolt too.
  7. R

    Buying my first FA Uzi What should I look out for ??

    +1 to what the above have all stated. If you end up going with a Group Industries RR watch out for their FA bolts marked w the letter G, these are problematic and same issue happened to mine (jamming issues). All you need to do is swap out the bolt for another FA bolt purchased from on of the...
  8. R

    Cheap 25-round mags

    Great, I log onto this site and see this $88 later (10 mags) thanks ! LOL.
  9. R

    Most desirable type of UZI RR?

    You guys are lucky to have purchase yours for under $3k years back, here I thought paying $8k in 2012 for a NIB Group RR was hi enough ! Runs great since I had to toss out the Group bolt only to replace it with a FA version, no problems since 5 years later.
  10. R

    Finally bit the Bullet...Registered Uzi Bolt

    Congrats, that was a pretty good deal overall.
  11. R

    What would you own if..

    I enjoy shooting my FA reg pack A1 Aug, I rarely shoot it enough these days. Very little recoil and and ROF feels more like 750-800 if I were to venture to guess.
  12. R

    IMI Transferables Question

    I am sure a transferrable factory FA IMI would fetch 3X the amount of a converted RR if I were to guess, would be nice to actually see one.
  13. R

    The UZI Book - Order a copy now!!!

    Have to take a look out for that magazine at Publix sometime today. If the wait on the water wait lines aren't too bad regarding Irma.
  14. R

    BWE Firearms, Uzi Magic, Old Gun Now Like New!

    Your gun looks great, nice display of accessories indeed. Where did you pick up the Uzi Bayonet ? I remember them for sale somewhere...
  15. R

    BWE Firearms, Uzi Magic, Old Gun Now Like New!

    Good to hear about your positive experience, I plan on bringing my GI Uzi to him one of these days (he is 1 hour drive or so away from me).
  16. R

    Pre-Vector Group UZI's

    Still need to start reading mine, sitting on the coffee table at home. I own one of the 700 GI guns (Model B) remarked SMG, Park finish with black furniture. Came with spare green pieces too NIB at the time. Low 200's serial number. Would jam quite a bit when I had received it but soon...
  17. R

    Realistic sale price for a full size RR UZI

    $14k for a RR Mini ? tempting !
  18. R

    MINI Uzi $1400---scam? or deal?

    Wow, that was a deal. Link ?
  19. R

    New UZI

    Mine came with black furniture and is a Model B, it did have spare green furniture included in the sale if I remember seeing the spare contents in the box.
  20. R

    The UZI Book - Order a copy now!!!

    Book arrived in yesterday's mail, much appreciated. Can't wait to open it and start reading. Happy 4th Dave !

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