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  1. StooperZero

    What's this ATI Galeo ???

    Hey Putos! Whats the actual inside scoop on these ATI Galeo galil clones coming out ?? Floor price doesn't seem too bad , i just dont want anther golani experience.
  2. StooperZero

    IM here... just life and general.

    IM here... just life and general.
  3. StooperZero

    Galatz on GB

    damn... sold for $24.2K that's more than my house cost.
  4. StooperZero

    Interfor Uzis

    :lol khyber pass lookin uzi.
  5. StooperZero

    Galatz on GB

    weeeeee pushing $8K
  6. StooperZero

    Galatz on GB

    no way I'd keep it "unfired" it's tempting but I need to scrounge up about $15k by april.
  7. StooperZero

    Kalashnicohn builds?

    2018 and some folks still can't get the AK right.
  8. StooperZero

    gemtechs alloy ??

    What aluminum alloy does gemtech use for their cans?? my blackside 45 end cap threads have shit the bed and i'm just going to get it welded up . kinda need to know what it is first. BTW, gemtech wont disclose shit, only thing that comes out of their mouth is "$$$$$$$$$"
  9. StooperZero

    Vietnam War Vet, a contraband M14 and the BATF

    basically a train wreck. lotta people first see something like this and immediately want to point the finger at the atf , NOPE , fuckin weirdo.
  10. StooperZero

    Distal Lives!

    :thumbs_up:thumbs_up Fucking nice!
  11. StooperZero

    The Top of Your Wishlist

  12. StooperZero

    20 round USA magazine uzi mags

    tie a string around each and make a 3 section nunchuka. about all they're worth.
  13. StooperZero

    Mini Draco SBR?

    you have a phone and a computer right?
  14. StooperZero

    M10 or M11/nine flare launcher?

    fishing bobber launcher.
  15. StooperZero

    maxim 9 quick review

    for that much I'd rather have another nice race gun like my P9 .
  16. StooperZero

    shooting a silenced gun w/o taller sights

    point a little white dot on the rear cap . that's what i do for my weirdo shit.
  17. StooperZero

    Telescoping suppressors?

    kinda works on the hudson gas concept.
  18. StooperZero

    What got you interested in Uzis?

    I did my first drive-by when I was 8 with a single barrel shotgun, I realized from then on- it wasn't enough and I wasn't feeling cool at the same time. No, seriously. Almost Every damn 80's movie had an Uzi in it so I was "in the market" for a long time until I got ahold of one.
  19. StooperZero

    Maybe the ugliest factory firearm ever made

    I have a 336 in .308 that's all tactical'd out , but no threaded barrel since the work removing the barrel + threading cost would be about the same as i paid for the rifle.
  20. StooperZero

    mp40 stamp came

    next you'll be buying a Chauchat.

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