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  1. W

    What is the mount out "kit" for your Uzi SMG?

    Gents, I've been away for a while, but am back. World situation being what it is I've been thinking of upgrading my UZI SMG carry accessories and was wondering what some of you use to carry your magazines and accessories. I have a UZI SMG and a semi-auto registered mini-Uzi. Mag pouches used...
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    The UZI Book - Order a copy now!!!

    Dave, Just ordered a copy. Can't wait... Made a mistake...cancel the order for Treehouse road. The Correct order is 1847 Rainsong Dr. NW, Salem, OR 97304. Thanks, Wes Howe
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    Going rate for 32 round good condition mags

    Gents, Many thanks for your responses to my question! Wes
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    Going rate for 32 round good condition mags

    Gents, Can someone tell me who RTG is and their contact data? Thanks, Wes
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    Parts kits

    Gents, OK, for the unwashed who the heck is RTG? I'm in need of a kit, too... Wes
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    Back on the Uzi Talk Forum!

    Dave, It's good to be back. Unfortunately our range has been shut down due to the "beer" virus. In the meantime I'll detail clean the smg and my can to get ready for the opening. Congrats on the new book. I'll get mine on order ASAP! Wes
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    Back on the Uzi Talk Forum!

    Gents, It's been a while since I've been on the forum. Wanted to say hello and that I'll be hanging around for awhile. Broke out my UZI SMG and cleaned it and lubed the bad boy. Checked my suppressor, too. If times ever get really hard I'm ready to respond. Hey, I even have ammo on
  8. W

    Anyone like mini Uzi better than full size

    Gents, I find that the Mini really shines in the semi-auto mode. Cyclic rate on FA is fine for serious stuff, but for fun the semi mode is where it's at. I much prefer the Full size Uzi for general purpose stuff. Have to agree with Rover Dave on that one... Wes
  9. W

    Full sized vs. Mini-Uzi

    Gents, I have an Uzi SMG and a semi-auto SBR'd Vector Mini. Love both, but really prefer the handling characteristics of the Mini. Wish it were a FA... Methinks I'm pretty lucky to have both... Wes
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    Mini Uzi spare parts stockpile

    Shadeone, Very nice photo and array of parts. I think I'd make that folding stock assembly disappear, however. It wouldn't be the first time someone was prosecuted by ATF for "intent" because they owned the parts to make your an SBR...even tho' not installed or converted. Of course, I may be...
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    Need semi MINI firing pin & recoil spring

    Richard, I could sure use a "back up" for my Vector semi-auto Mini! Any idea of price, etc? Wes
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    New to me IMI Model B

    NavyEngineer, Congrats on your new carbine! I retired from the Corps in '94 and now reside in Oregon. Nice to live in a weapons friendly state to say the least. I SBR'd a Vector Mini-Uzi a while back and love it. If you can get one it would make a wonderful companion to your full size Model...
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    Updating the a Uzi SMG or SBR'd Mini-Uzi

    Amphibian, If your friend had a modified full size top cover for an full size SMG I'd take it rather than send in my top cover for modification. Of course, I can send in my top cover for modification if "pre-made" units are not available. Please advise. I really appreciate your help on...
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    Updating the a Uzi SMG or SBR'd Mini-Uzi

    Amphibian, This sounds like the cat's pajamas. I'm going to go for it. I just have to decide which platform to test this SBR Mini or the full size SMG. I'm thinking this would be slick on the smaller Mini. Your thoughts or advice? What's the current wait/turn around time for the...
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    Updating the a Uzi SMG or SBR'd Mini-Uzi

    Bob, Thanks for the reply. I've been away from the site for awhile. After looking a bit I stumbled on the article about Amphibian's conversions and the Dr. Optic unit. Slick! I believe that the conversion will work with the Burris Fastfire which has the same "footprint" as the Dr. Optic unit...
  16. W

    Updating the a Uzi SMG or SBR'd Mini-Uzi

    Gents, I've been out of contact for a bit and wanted to come back to a source of truth and knowledge concerning Uzi's. I have a goal of updating my Uzi SMG and Mini this year with optics and left side charging handle. The charging handle is no problem, but with so many optics options available...
  17. W

    Mini VS. Micro SMG's: which one?

    :D Gents, I agree with Roverdave 100%...go with the MINI. The Micro's cyclic rate is to high to be really useful...unless you get in gunfights in phone booths... Wes
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    Gents, When I SBR'd my Vector Mini I had the long barrel fitted/modified for a suppressor from T.D. MFG, Bend, OR. I ordered a real Mini SMG barrel from Vector. The SMG barrel has to be turned down slightly to fit the trunion of the Vector, but works great. The suppressor set up ROCKS. Wes
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    Need some good 9mm to break in my UZI...

    Gents, My IMI SMG does not like hollow points. Not a big deal as I have other ammo. It does like the original IMI 158 gr. "Blue-Tip" FMJ. Luckily, I got several thousand of the 158 gr. bullets before they dried up and the price went through the roof. Warning: Do not shoot factory IMI 158 gr...
  20. W

    Uzi in .357 Sig?

    Deleted Post.

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