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  1. C

    Suppressed M2 carbine

    I had that happen with a handguard pop off from my M1A1 stock set set and what it was (for me anyway) It was a Sarco repro (probably the low end) was the front ledge of the actual stock (where the barrel band clamp/lug get pushed back to hold it together was not going back far enough - I had to...
  2. C

    Suppressed M2 carbine

    Looks great. I too love the classic short "Vietnam Advisor" look of an M2 with an M1A1 side folder. I have an M2 with a registered receiver, and I have a spare nice barrel off to a Smith getting shortened and threaded and while I am waiting, I ham on the fence to go through with the swap...
  3. C

    Atlanta PD MAC

    Cool. It looks like a 45 lower. I have an early adjustable sight Powder Springs 9mm upper and 9mm Suppressor (made in 72) that is from Atlanta PD back in the day. I didn't know they had 45 guns thought they only had 9mm. I have no idea what happened to the actual gun lower of my APD 9mm...
  4. C

    M10 still in use…

    I know a person who lived in the neighborhood and worked for Werbell doing some office work for a period. She said the General was a polite and kind man to her. There were always strange guys visiting. Go figure.
  5. C

    “retro” RPB Cobray accessories thread

    The company that was indicted alongside SWD was a CA firm if I recall correctly. They were doing business with an outlaw biker gang in CA that turned out to be undercover feds. Sounds more interesting than most TV shows. LOL Regarding the slings they seem to have borrowed on influence with...
  6. C

    “retro” RPB Cobray accessories thread

    What is Forrest Hills California PO box? Was that some address for a marketing group or?? SWD/Cobray/MAC are a source of Georgian pride I think its number 3 or 4 after peach trees or should be if there is an official list.
  7. C

    Wood grips?

    In Small Arms of the World (2nd edition) by Ezell, there is a vintage uzi pic in it where one is sporting wood furniture - perhaps an early Israeli prototype
  8. C

    “retro” RPB Cobray accessories thread

    They are nice looking slings -and what a collection! Had no idea they had so many! While I found that USGI strap sling a great sling - its a little short for hanging a SMG at a usable height for me - I have a long torso, but I really like the padded UZI sling - Its perfect length .
  9. C


    Any thought as to going to a FN PS90 mag and 5.7x28 upper in some way?
  10. C

    Would Having A Tungsten Weighted M10 Bolt Have Made A Difference To MAC?

    I seem to recall it was the brain child of a senior "large optics" division manager that dealt with lots of government contracts. Or rather managed them (Aerial and satellite imaging) So not a real military guy nor a firearms guy - At the time there was a push onto managers to think of high...
  11. C

    Would Having A Tungsten Weighted M10 Bolt Have Made A Difference To MAC?

    I don't disagree with any of the key points above. I do suspect "Rate of Fire" (ROF) has been a "perceived" benefit and even by those that fielded machine guns. In the eyes of many and on occasion to those who experienced the need volume suppressing fire - more is better (in certain...
  12. C

    Would Having A Tungsten Weighted M10 Bolt Have Made A Difference To MAC?

    Were the "Stephensville" Hollow steel (Lead (Pb) filled bolts heavier? I seem to recall reading they were drawn up as a cost savings and would think the density of lead (although not as heavy as Wolfram/Tungsten) is still heavier than steel and may have had a slow down effect on the bolt...
  13. C

    The official MAC picture thread

    My Powder Springs MAC in Lage garb and a Kate Moss 1913 style stock. This thing shoots smooth & Steady
  14. C

    Lage Max 10/31 vs 10/31k

    Crap. I have a bunch of those sten 20 round mags too. Sten mags can be converted to MAX-10 31K? Without bolt mods? as the Sten is a single round on the top feed that would presumably be to narrow for a bolt designed for a wider (double feed top) Suomi mag? or maybe it fits???
  15. C

    “retro” RPB Cobray accessories thread

    UDT Pic with Macs 1973
  16. C

    “retro” RPB Cobray accessories thread

    MitchwerbellsGhost87 = Do you have any US Navy SEAL's photos or other docs related to the M-10? I have seen few actual SEAL photos of an M10 - there is that one with the Vietnam SEAL with the pornstar mustache and the UDT Team photo - and very few others. If you have anything or any war...
  17. C

    “retro” RPB Cobray accessories thread

    Cool holster and pouch collection. I bet carrying a full size M10 on the hip gets heavy.
  18. C

    Can a Registered 45 bolt for full size use a Mini as a host?

    came across a registered bolt in my neighborhood - It's a 45 married to a semi-host (9mm) full size carbine. Curious if a full size 45 bolt can be modded to mini-specs and is there such a thing as a mini sized 45? Were there ever 45 mini barrels for semis? Although one could be made from a...
  19. C

    “retro” RPB Cobray accessories thread

    Once again your photos are amazing. Excuse me- I need to clean up some drool now!
  20. C

    “retro” RPB Cobray accessories thread

    According to The MAC Man book, the 130 grain loading was devised to offer more power than the std 380 round and subsonic performance close to 9mm luger subsonic performance. Stating the load initially made by MAC's ammo department and later by Winchester would possibly "damage" a standard 380...

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