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  1. F

    Carmac Calico AR-15 MAC 9mm Upper

    Welded steel construction. If I made them to sell. I would need a non gun approval letter. Since even some bolt action AR15 uppers are now considered firearms. A kit with jigs is simple. Because it would fit the 80% rule.
  2. F

    Carmac Calico AR-15 MAC 9mm Upper

    I have a hot rod I have to finish over the winter months. But next year I would love to make an upper in 9mm for the m11/9, using the calico 100rnd drum. I think I could make an upper to fit the magazine, without cutting the rear sight. First one would probably only work for a full auto, since...
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    Carmac Calico AR-15 MAC 9mm Upper

    Been busy with job, building a hot rod and hang gliding. Dropped by for a visit and was amazed at the 50k views. In the process of making the final prototype with the downward ejection bolt. I will post a video when I go to test it. I pulled all my testing vids down from youtube, in fear of...
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    Carmac Calico AR-15 MAC 9mm Upper

    You guys still interested in updates? Testing? Building a new prototype now.
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    12 ga upper for M-11/9 project

    They will be getting something like this...
  6. F

    12 ga upper for M-11/9 project

    I am in the same situation on my design. Semi auto though. What to send ATF-FTB for an AR-15 upper design. Do I have to send in a serialized lower for testing and approval?
  7. F

    Got ban from Ebay for selling Assault weapons!

    I dumped EBAY and PAYPAY 6 years ago. Just like here in AZ. If they post a sign in the window, "no weapons allowed". Take your business elsewhere. It's only fair. Those that want to stay in business, stay in business. Those that don't...... don't.
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    Inverted MAC bolts

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    Inverted MAC bolts

    MAKO AR-PODIUM Next prototype will have the hera arms cqr front grip and stock.
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    Inverted MAC bolts

    I did it.... works great.. I tried contacting everyone, mpa, vmac to make a reverse bolt. No one wanted to take it on. I wanted it for my design. So I had to engineer a whole new bolt.
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    Carmac Calico AR-15 MAC 9mm Upper

    latest testing.
  12. F

    Carmac Calico AR-15 MAC 9mm Upper

    Testing downward ejection bolt in the alpha model....
  13. F

    Franklin Armory Binary Firing System - better than bumpfire?

    Gunmag warehouse had a sale. 100 for $1000. Couldn't pass it up.
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    Franklin Armory Binary Firing System - better than bumpfire?

    You will have to cut the lower reciever to accept the belt feed mechanism.... 1. havent had a problem yet. But wondering about getting replacement parts in the future. 2. Since the feed/drive is off of the bolt, bolt bounce is a non issue. But i did have to mod the bolt for the drive groove. 3...
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    Franklin Armory Binary Firing System - better than bumpfire?

    Looks awesome..... dont have too much fun now....
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    Franklin Armory Binary Firing System - better than bumpfire?

    Its a a slidefire bfr. Valkyrie armament sold the patent to slide fire. Even though they still have a website showing and saying they do conversions on ar15. THEY DONT! So I bought a slidefire le6920 with the belt feed conversion, case and all(NEW!). All i can say is "WEEEEEEEEEEEE".... Its a...
  17. F

    Franklin Armory Binary Firing System - better than bumpfire?

    Dont buy the BS!!!! YOU CAN STILL GET COLT LMG UPPERS AND PARTS..... MADE BY COLT!!!! I love seeing the ads on GB saying they arent making these anymore.... Well BS!!!!! Im trying to get ahold of these(below) just the upper.... It comes in 1/7 twist which means i can run BIG bullets like 77's...

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