Search results

  1. IMINI

    Positive experience with ActionArmy - uzi shirts

    I greatly appreciate everyones support! A lot of work went into the designs and I feel honored knowing others are enjoying them.
  2. IMINI

    What is this

    That looks like the flare launcher. It uses blanks to launch thus the small hole.
  3. IMINI

    The UZI Book - Order a copy now!!!

    Just ordered the second version and picked one up for a friend as well. This is the best book on the UZI ever made. I highly recommend it to anyone who has an interest in UZI's or UZI related items.
  4. IMINI

    New Owners for UZI Talk Web Site

    Dave, Thanks for the many years of Uzitalk and contributing so much to the Legendary UZI and its community! Wish you the best my friend in your future ventures.
  5. IMINI

    First Uzi - Norinco or IWI

    Would take a Group Ind. or McKay before any Norinco. IMI is the Best. So just buy the the Best!
  6. IMINI

    My new custom hybrid "MK-9K-K"

    Very Nice! Congrats!
  7. IMINI

    A Rare South African Bird! But is it even legal in the U.S.???

    Great. They did the right thing in my opinion.
  8. IMINI

    A Rare South African Bird! But is it even legal in the U.S.???

    I can tell from the receiver markings that this is indeed a South African LM4 Semi Auto rifle. But if you look closer, you will see it also has the third pin which is no bueno. What do you guys think about this auction listing...
  9. IMINI

    UZI Tri-Lug Barrels

    In for a 3 lug pistol barrel as well.
  10. IMINI

    3 lug on uzi pro pistol barrel?

    Wish someone would just make a one piece three lug for the pistol/micro/pro. Maybe we need to put together a group buy or something.
  11. IMINI

    My first Uzi!

    It also has a model b bolt in it. You can see where the firing pin safety arm and spring are missing. What you have is a pieced together parts gun on a model a receiver. Nice but not an original factory example unfortunately. Hope you got a really good deal on it.
  12. IMINI

    The UZI Book - Order a copy now!!!

    Got mine today as well. This book is Awesome and a Must Have for any UZI owner! Dave put a lot of work into this book and I appreciate it. Absolutely Love It!
  13. IMINI

    The UZI Book - Order a copy now!!!

  14. IMINI

    Video from today's USPSA match with the UZI

    Nice Shooting!
  15. IMINI

    Uzi Feed Issue...HELP

    It needs a semi cut extractor as well.
  16. IMINI

    Uzi cycle rate

    There is no need to mess with the spring. You just need to reduce bolt travel by adding a buffer. Check out this link:
  17. IMINI

    This is your best bet right here:

    This is your best bet right here:
  18. IMINI

    Uzi question about markings

    No. Here are two links on the same subject.
  19. IMINI

    Uzi question about markings

    Back in the day Vector acquired some stripped post ban IMI fullsize .45acp marked receivers and built them into rifles. They are marked Vector because it was assembled by them not imported.
  20. IMINI

    Tax stamp in

    Congrats on your Uzi! An excellent choice.

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