Search results

  1. M

    Vector Arms Suppressor for 9mm

    Buy the Vector Can Yes they are heavy, but they make the Uzi very controlable. With sub-sonic 147 Winchesters, all you here is the bolt cycling and the brass hitting the concrete. Great price for a good product and even better service. Buy the Vector can.
  2. M

    First UZI Talk Shoot/Gathering

    Anyone have an address for the form 5 to transport from out of state? Thanks, Matt
  3. M

    22lr Magazine Problems

    Yep, they are cantankerous little pains in the butt. There has been slight variations in the magazines. I have two (28 rounders) that look like they came from 25 round mags and two from 32 round mags. If you send in your gun and .22 kit with all mags to vector they will fit everything so it...
  4. M

    First UZI Talk Shoot/Gathering

    I'll spread the news up here in Orygun about the event. Sounds like fun. I'll mark it on the calender. Let us know about any ammo deals. It would be nice not to have to drag the stuff accross the open skies.:m16s
  5. M

    M16 price

    No, not yet... still waiting. I'm happy to give you the agent's name and number If you contact me by private email. I sent a letter off to BATF about two months ago. I have never heard back. I will call the NFA branch and start bugging these guys. It shouldn't have taken this long to...
  6. M

    Any room for one more FNG?

    Wecome my fellow brother of another mother! Just an FYI. There are monthly subgun shoots at the Albany gun club. Also, there is the "Most Excellent" full auto gun shoot on Dec 13th. Lots of noise and even more toyz. So, when you're ready. Come up and play with us. :50_cal
  7. M

    Dear Uzi (Abby)

    Oh dear Jesus...Just send around the collection plate. We have another poor addicted soul. The disease has just began. It will get worse; before you know it, you'll be looking at Thompsons, MP5's, and BAR's. Gods Speed my Son. Good to have you aboard!
  8. M

    Recommended Thompson magazines?

    Try for $15 each original GI or for $12.50 each unknown origin or $14.00 each original GI, Seymore, Bridgeport and Auto-ordinance. A strange arabian guy answers the phone and takes your credit card. I've bought from him. Good service. I bought...
  9. M

    M16 price

    OK. The letter I recieved from the locals is non-specific. In other words useless. I have, however, been in touch with the people at the NFA Branch in DC. It is legal to send RR back to the original manufacturer of the reciever not the person who made the conversion. If the manufacturer...
  10. M

    Scope mount

    No, but as I said. It doesn't work with the doctor optic model.
  11. M

    Scope mount

    Ya, I got one of those Advanced Armement mounts. Don't get it unless you are putting an Aimpoint optic on. I tried it with a doctor optic and it doesn't work. Get one of the top covers to use with a doctor optic site. They are very nice.
  12. M

    M16 price

    Colts are nice. Their customer service sucks. After we figured out that you can get the Oly RR redone we called up Colt to do the same with a buddies. They pretty much told us to pack sand. And that is putting it nicely. If you are interested. I think I might know of where to find a Colt...
  13. M

    M16 price

    m16 Feel free to call and bug them. Brian is the production manager. He is a bit stand-offish. But the more us NFA guys bug them about the Ti receivers the faster they will get their butts is gear. According to an inside sorce they have the forged Ti recievers but won't machine them until...
  14. M

    M16 price

    m16 Just an FYI. There are some Oly arms m16 RR on subguns for $7500. Saw this a couple of weeks ago. The neat thing about Oly arms RR is that you can have the receiver reproduced. Yep I already spoken to them about this and have a letter from BATF saying it's legal. They are starting the...
  15. M

    Mag adapter modification

    Photos of the adapter modifications would be great! This stuff is a blast once you get it all working. Thanks, Matt
  16. M

    9mm mag block adapter for m16

    Who makes the best aftermarket upper. American spirit arms or rock river amrs M & A or someone else. Not interested in colt. They want too much and their customer service sucks. Thanks for all of your help guys. Matt
  17. M

    whats the best???????

    Just to throw my 2 cents in. I've heard the Vector suppressor. All you hear with S&B subsonic is the bolt cycle and the thud of the bullet striking the dirt mound at the end of the range. They are heavy. 2lbs worth.
  18. M

    9mm mag block adapter for m16

    Yes, I read the link. I am unfortuneately a visual learner. I got lost after just three lines of the modification. I like the Hy-tech setup. I've just heard too many bad things about it with the Olympic lowers. One guy told me he had to file the mag well; another said the mag release is a...
  19. M

    9mm mag block adapter for m16

    What it is, is this. I have an Olympic lower converted to an M16. The Hy-tech system from rumor doesn't work well with the flat back IMI mags that are out. Those are the mags that I have. That is what has me in a pinch. Nobody seems to be using the Socom setup. Not sure why. Maybe its the...
  20. M

    9mm mag block adapter for m16

    So, with using the Socom mag block I can use the standard .223 hammer in the lower? FYI, I will be using this on a full auto lower. I just don't want to continually swap out parts. I'm looking for something where I can just change the uppers and turn $$$ into noise.

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