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  1. I

    What bolt assembly is this?

    Rock Island clearly mislabeled this auction as being for a Mac .22 conversion and Mac magazines. The "conversion kit" (if it is one) is obviously for an Uzi and the magazines are clearly for a Grease Gun/Pam 1 or 2. I let them know about their mistake. Does anyone know what this is, who made...
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    Semi-Conversion Parts Required for PKM/PKT, DP-27/28, MG-42/59, Sten MK2, Bren, & Other Kit Builds

    I created this post to help verify what I think I know, understand what I'm missing, and hopefully, help others in the process. The purpose of this post is not to get build advice, discuss the actual build procedure, or troubleshoot. It’s purely to understand which semi-auto specific parts need...
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    Mk2 Sten Build Questions

    Hey y'all, I'm in the process of building a MK2 Sten and I had a couple of questions: 1. Is a smaller diameter semi auto tube required? I didn't know these were a thing and milled out a regular diameter tube- hoping it will still work 2. How is the front barrel trunnion transferred from the...
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    Intratec DC-9 Slam Firing Cause?

    You sir are amazing. I don’t think the gun was assembled correctly when I initially took it out to shoot. Not sure how familiar you are with Tec-9’s but I had the striker sitting behind the firing pin rather than straddling it. I was wondering why the safety wasn’t working correctly and why...
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    Intratec DC-9 Slam Firing Cause?

    Hey guys, I just picked up an Intratec DC-9 and brought it to the range for the first time yesterday. When I loaded 3 rounds in a mag and pulled the trigger, it fired all of them with a single trigger pull. Then I did it again and the same thing happened. Pretty scary stuff. When I brought it...
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    Mac-11 Stock Conundrum- How can I mount a buffer tube?

    You guys are awesome. Thanks for your help. A couple of PSA's: Never close a folding stock mechanism without something to grab onto or you'll need to pry it open with a screwdriver and mark it up like I did Folding stock mechanism + Ace adapter + buffer tube = a long length of pull, even with...
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    Mac-11 Stock Conundrum- How can I mount a buffer tube?

    I'm trying to mount a buffer tube on my Mac 11. I have an Ace adapter with non-threaded holes (they either caame that way or were stripped out), a folding stock adapter like the one Lage makes except the slots are on the opposite piece, and an AR buffer tube adapter without a boss. I'm trying to...
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    Should I give up on my Lage .22 upper?

    I recently scored a used Lage M-11/22 upper and unfortunately, I've have had terrible luck with it. I've tried a few different types of ammo, two magazines, running it in two different uppers, and replacing the extractor and spring with Volquartsen Exact Edge. It's always been cleaned and lubed...
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    Dealing with minor rust on blued PS M10

    That should come out with light steel wool and whatever oil you have around- gun oil or 3-in-1. Rub it LIGHTLY so that you don’t scratch the crap out of it. If all else fails, you can just boil it a few times to reblue it.
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    Benefits of a Max-31 and Suomi mags?

    I have a Max-11 upper and love it. It’s compact and I can use the mags I already have for the gun. I was wondering, why would someone run a Max-31 and Suomi magazines other than the fact that it allows you to run 72rd drums? Not bashing the upper because it seems to be popular and likely for a...
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    What's Up With Calico's .22 LR Conversion?

    Thanks, sounds terrible
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    What's Up With Calico's .22 LR Conversion?

    I was doing a Google search for .22 LR conversions and stumbled on Calico's .22 kit. No pics on the website but I'd imagine it looks just like there 9mm kits. Has anyone used one and can speak on it's reliability?
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    Are buffers needed for semi auto Uzi’s?

    Despite owning a full sized Uzi and Uzi pistol, I just realized buffers are a thing. I haven’t been using them and it’s been fine. That’s not to say damage won’t occur a few hundred rounds later. Are buffers recommended for semi auto guns? Any advice on sizing and where to get them? Thanks!
  14. I

    Why won’t my Mac-11 bolt retract?

    The guide rod is not bent and the recoil spring is captive. After closer examination, I’m able to rack it regardless. However it often takes two hands, with the back of receiver against my chest (not exactly safe). If I had to estimate, it takes around 40 lbs of force.
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    Why won’t my Mac-11 bolt retract?

    With a magazine inserted, it will retract fine but won’t bring the hammer back far enough to cock it. Without the magazine, the bolt won’t retract.
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    Why won’t my Mac-11 bolt retract?

    Following up on this, when I take the upper off the gun, insert only the recoil rod and spring, and push down on the recoil plate, it’s not able to move forward more than half an inch. So the recoil plate isn’t able to enter the receiver because of how little it travels.
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    Why won’t my Mac-11 bolt retract?

    I’m having an issue with my Cobray 9mm M11 semi auto closed bolt gun. 9 out of 10 times, when I go to charge the weapon, the bolt gets stuck and only retracts about half an inch. The feed ramp has some interesting wear which may be causing the issue (but not likely). When I separate the lower...

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