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  1. Destiny

    Mini and Micro Stock Tubing (Cover)

    I'm still kicking and shooting.. sold my last uzi 3M rubber stock sleeve to Andy above but he didn't like it. Different Strokes as they say. All is good... been focusing on Fly Fishing rather than the six Uzi's.. Fishing is much cheaper.
  2. Destiny

    Does anybody here besides me have a gun at BWE?

    I have a small parts order that was paid for but never shipped. Destiny Densley
  3. Destiny

    File down the "bump" on .45 extractor for 9mm use?

    Don't file anything.. stick it in your bolt and use it... should work fine. I have several 45 extractors installed in 9mm bolts.
  4. Destiny

    Where to get Micro stock tubing

    Glad to see you found a small section. Remember... to slip it on so the print goes inside the folded stock so you don't see when folded and its not upside down.. some use an little lubricant inside the tubing to make it slip on easier.. use a heat gun or blow drier to start the shrink to fit...
  5. Destiny

    Who is repairing broken Vector Trunion welds now

    Lets see I saw Tommy and his Son and his son told me that they have a young fellow that works Part time after school. The old Vector had 12-20 employees with many of the employees specializing in one part of the manufacturing process. High Hopes for New Vector Arms Rex was last known working...
  6. Destiny

    Where to get Micro stock tubing

    Its a 3M Product 3M ITCSN 0800 8 1/10 600v I think if you google it, you might find some places that will sell you a single piece instead of a whole box or roll. Good Luck Destiny
  7. Destiny

    Who is repairing broken Vector Trunion welds now

    Well, I felt like a kid in Uzi Heaven. When I figured out that the new Vector was only a few minutes from my house I contacted Tommy and he invited me for a tour.. yeah a three hour tour.. had a blast. I saw thousands and thousands of various flavors of Uzi receivers and all the parts.. Also...
  8. Destiny

    Gauging interest in FA Full Size 45acp Bolts?

    Need EXTRACTORS too.. All Flavors.
  9. Destiny

    Richard Hoffman's wife just died a couple days ago.

    Richard recently posted a video on Youtube on the FN-D yesterday and I did receive one of my orders from him a few weeks ago.. still have a order outstanding. But seeing him shoot the FN-D in 30-06 sure put a smile on his face as well as mine.
  10. Destiny

    Modifying Micro Bolt to Mini Bolt ? On a Temporary basis.

    Interesting... I had thought about cutting some 5/8" Tungsten Rod in half and a few set screws but was trying to go with the ratcheting topcover on the mini.. Imagine either way would work.. didn't look at the Non-ratcheting Micro Topcover.. More pondering.
  11. Destiny

    Modifying Micro Bolt to Mini Bolt ? On a Temporary basis.

    Having three piles of Uzi Bolts is irritating enough but on two piles.. the are basically the same bolt but the Micros have the cut-out or notch on the top and the Mini Bolts do not. Well, has anyone modified the Micro bolts to work in the Minis ? Twenty years ago I welded up some .45 Micro...
  12. Destiny

    Richard Hoffman's wife just died a couple days ago.

    Is Richard OK ? I placed an order with him in March and received no response from him.. figured I would give him some time but I also buried my Father who also died in March. Destiny
  13. Destiny

    Mini Uzi recoil spring questions

    Had the same problem last month so I followed the guidelines at the above link.. it wasn't too hard.. had some full length rods.. compressed the back side down with vice grips so the rod was sticking out above the fiberboard buffer and just cut a small end off with the dremel. Of course when I...
  14. Destiny

    UZI 45 kit

    Hmm.. Didn't realize that someone made restrictor rings for full auto Uzi's... thought they were for semi autos. Where on the profile of a Semi Auto barrel is there some metal that prevents it from fitting in a full auto smg ? Agreed.. knowing what feed ramp any Uzi has is a crap shoot...
  15. Destiny

    How many teeth are on a Mini Uzi Racheting topcover ?

    I have found myself with a question. I am curious to know the number of teeth on a Factory Mini Uzi Racheting Top Cover. I have a Vector Mini with a cut down top cover and it does have some teeth but I am not sure if there are enough. Would it be the same as a full sized auto top cover or less...
  16. Destiny

    UZI 45 kit

    Pike Arms has the full sized .45 barrels... found them the other day while looking for a Micro .45 barrel
  17. Destiny

    Oddball UZI mags for identification

    Mmmm. The 40 round Magazines with the slit on the side are Argentine.. They were imported with a blocking bar welded to the back of the Magazine to prevent use in the Uzi's and without the bar... you could grind down the block flush with the rest of the magazine and they work just fine. The...
  18. Destiny

    Subguns Forum

    Garrett's link no longer works Just lovely.. Frank's sight now needs a password again.. I signed up to gunspot when it first came out but quickly regretted it as I'm now dealing with Gun ads and gun spam filling up my mailbox even though I OPTED OUT.. I read Uzitalk all the time.. and I don't...
  19. Destiny


    Interesting Story... Have a few friends in the UK that Magnet Fish and they ALWAYS turn them in....
  20. Destiny

    Micro Uzi Build Questions....

    Thanks... #3 Ordered... Will work on scrounging up #1 and a rivet... looks like several companies offer them. Destiny

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