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  1. P

    Volunteer Commando Mark 45 Magazine Questions

    I do have a spare I would consider parting with. Not sure what it's worth.
  2. P

    Volunteer Commando Mark 45 Magazine Questions

    Do you have some reason to think it may not be safe to fire? I would make sure the buffer is in good shape.
  3. P

    FTF with MK in Full Auto

    Shameless plug. I have a TON of Sten mags I'm selling. 20 round Indian converted that I am selling in 5 and 10 packs in case you need any. Good luck either way!
  4. P

    Van Voorhees 22 conversion questions

    I might be interested depending on price and assuming I can acquire the other needed parts.
  5. P

    07 fee to convert Tec 9 to AOW

    I would 100% just do the form 1 and pay the 5 bucks.
  6. P

    Gauging interest in an adjustable bolt

    As an M10 owner, my main interest at this point is for a .22lr setup. I already have the Max 10/31, Max 10/15, and OEM 9mm and .45 uppers. The slow fire bolt would have to be pretty affordable to pique my interest.
  7. P

    Volunteer Commando Mark 45 Magazine Questions

    I can confirm that I purchased a semi auto Thompson mag and it works in my Volunteer Commando. I was able to pick one up for about 20 bucks on Gunbroker.
  8. P

    Velocity VMAC 9 review

    Agreed, my comment wasn't really for the OP since he already purchased the VMAC but moreso just in case someone reads this post and is okay with the changed form factor of the new MPA guns. It's a shame MPA doesn't make the 930 anymore, still one of my favorite guns.
  9. P

    Velocity VMAC 9 review

    I feel like this would be a better deal if you're okay with the form factor being changed a bit.
  10. P

    Velocity VMAC 9 review

    I don't remember the welds looking so rough, must be a new person welding them. I get the sense that it might be a one man show there since they seem to only put out a couple dozen or so of these per year.
  11. P

    VMAC9s - good to go?

    I tried to order a few as a dealer but they're not currently doing dealer sales. I've bought a bunch in the past, they seem well made.
  12. P

    M11-9 Sten mag conversion

    I think if the seller included 10 or 20 mags, many buyers probably wouldn't care much. I certainly wouldn't. I'd prefer a sten mag converted example since I have a good supply of mags for it already.
  13. P

    Nighthawk Firearms M10 OBS Pistol Frame? Anyone heard of these?

    Correct, I was referring to their new style 9mm. I realize it's not apples to apples.
  14. P

    Nighthawk Firearms M10 OBS Pistol Frame? Anyone heard of these?

    What would the point of buying one of these be for the price they seem to sell for? The last one on GB sold for $405. Seems like a lot to pay when you can buy a new MPA for $399 at PSA when they're on sale (currently $520). Unless there is a place selling these frames for less?
  15. P

    Nighthawk Firearms M10 OBS Pistol Frame? Anyone heard of these?

    I was watching that auction but it went for more than made sense to me.
  16. P

    Volunteer Commando Mark 45 Magazine Questions

    I believe the catch hole needs to be enlarged/elongated.
  17. P

    Volunteer Commando Mark 45 Magazine Questions

    I haven't bought a magazine yet. Mine is the Thompson magazine model. The other model is grease gun mags which I hoped this used since I have those already.
  18. P

    Volunteer Commando Mark 45 Magazine Questions

    Thanks for the response, sorry to bring up bad memories! I'm going to pick up a USGI mag or two and I'll try to get the hole opened up properly. Mine came as a package deal with a Demro Tac-1. I wasn't super interested in the Volunteer but had to buy both. I agree, the grip is awful. Maybe I'll...
  19. P

    Volunteer Commando Mark 45 Magazine Questions

    Does anyone happen to have a Volunteer Enterprises Commando Mark 45 that could snap a few pics or measurements of their magazine? This is the model that uses Thompson magazines, not Grease gun. I need to determine the size/location of the catch. Just won one from an auction but no magazines. I...
  20. P

    New 5.0" STEN barrel

    That looks great!

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