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  1. S

    Fall 2019 Knob Creek Subgun Results

    Thank you everyone for another fantastic Creek! Your hard work and dedication to our sport makes our match stand out above all others. Also, our sponsors really stepped up and made this one a match to remember. Make sure you check out Gunfighter Targets at and...
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    Fall Knob Creek Subgun Match

    Good day everyone. I hope that you all had a great summer and are ready for a fantastic Fall Knob Creek National Subgun Match. This year, the theme is “Going Dutch”! To celebrate Thomas Ezendam’s 20th match, we are doing it Dutch style! You will start at the Flower Shop shooting thru a Dutch...
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    Spring 2019 Knob Creek National Subgun Competition Results

    Congratulations to Chuck Phillips for his TOP GUN finish!! Way to run the Sterling MK4. Thank you to our match sponsor, Gunfighter Targets, for providing such high quality, challenging targets for our shooters. Please check them out at Hope to see you all in the Fall...
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    Good morning Mr Ram. I was just seeing how your Paws Sterling was doing. I had a DLO Sterling...

    Good morning Mr Ram. I was just seeing how your Paws Sterling was doing. I had a DLO Sterling and had to sell it so we could have extra money for a new house. Should have kept the Sterling and found another way. Anyway, I’d love to get another one but would like to keep my cost down while having...
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    Going Rate for Sterlings?

    There were a few on the sale board for $13.5k each. The one I saw at the Creek was a Stenling and I thought he wanted $13k. They don’t come up for sale that often. I think NFA sales has a PAWS with a STEN magwell for $13.9k.
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    Spoke with Lage "Possible" Max11a1 return!!

    No, as long as you are able to turn the optic off its fine to leave it on the weapon. Just demonstrate it as being off to the RO prior to your run. See you there, Shaggy.
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    Looking for POF MP5 mags

    PM sent.
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    Fall 2015 Knob Creek National Subgun Match Teaser

    I would LOVE to meet you Thomas! Will you be staying at the campsite again this year? No freaky Dutch stuff, OK? Can't wait to see you again, Shaggy.
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    Reloading for the Sten

    I have a Sterling Mk4 and I have been running 4.8 gn of Power Pistol with 147gn fmj.
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    Looking for POF MP5 mags

    Last time at Knob Creek they had them all over the place. It is next weekend, if you can make it there. I believe they were selling for $25 each.
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    Where can I get a silencer for S&W 76

    They have some AWC Mk9 Navy suppressors on that are specifically made for the 76. They are a little pricey though.
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    Where do I find subgun matches?

    Michigan has one coming up the 9th of August. It is at the Black Creek Conservation Club. They may still have a few openings. Go onto, scroll down a bit and you will see a story on it and who to contact about shooting. shaggy
  13. S

    Reliable sten work?

    You might give Andy Blaschik a call. He is in central Fl as well, might be able to drive it to his shop and pick it up. He is known for his work on Sterling Mk4 and Mk5's but might help you out. His company is: KGB Armament LLC Pompano Beach, FL. 33069 954.274.6962 phone
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    Stenling Prices

    Staddle, John Thedford has an Stenling inbound. You might give him a call and see what he is asking. Sterlings seem to be skyrocketing lately. The cheapest one I have seen is on Autoweapons for 9k + . Ruben has one for 12k+. Wow. I thing there is one on Gunbroker for a no reserve auction. That...
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    Can anyone recommend a scope for my Uzu model A?

    I had a red dot on my Uzi and it was great. A scope? I would put a Aimpoint or some similar red dot on it. 9mm pistol ammo really does not go out that far to need magnification. I found that a good optic was enough to engage targets out to 50 feet and a red dot was fast to get on other targets...
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    Sterling magazine rebuild parts

    There is a place here in TN called: Lee Tool and Machine LLC P.O.Box 17209 Chattanooga, Tn. 37415 423-875-6355 They have the springs for sale. Haven't seen any of the other parts. Shag
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    Reasonably priced Sterling tube gun for sale?

    They have one inbound at You could try giving them a call and getting some more info on it.
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    Reasonably priced Sterling tube gun for sale?

    You can purchase a STEN or Sterling tube from Mr Oefinger. I believe if you use a Sten tube for a Sterling build you need to use a Sten bolt. I do not know if Mr Andrewski builds "Stenlings". I thought that Dons Gun shop use to build them. I just had one built and it was fairly painless. Call...
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    Mk 4 Begins

    Here it is! Got to go and visit and give it a test run. It shot awesome and we can't wait to bring it home. Thank you Andy. I think that I will need to get some new springs for my magazines as the last round was really loose. That or I need to adjust the feed lips. Maby I'll go back up and shoot...
  20. S

    Want to build a full auto Sterling MK4. Tube and Parts kit?

    I did what you are about doing. Go to the thread "Mk4 begins" and you can see the progress on mine . I had mine built by Andy Blaschik from KGB Armament but Stan is a fantastic builder and a great guy to talk with. I bought my kit from IMA and it was ok. The front tabs that protect the sight...

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