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  1. woodenword

    Pic Rail Welded on Backplate/Endcap??

    I picked this up a few years ago with the intention of having the plugged turned down to fit my MK760, but haven’t done anything with it
  2. woodenword

    Stock & Optic Adapters or Lage Upper?

    While I have really liked all the Lage uppers I’ve had over the years, I don’t think I would do it for a semi-auto. But I don’t own a semi-auto one, so to each his own!
  3. woodenword

    M3 mags mods for MAC 45

    Oh, this i hilarious! It’s a 73 Powder Springs too!
  4. woodenword

    M3 mags mods for MAC 45

    The unmodified GG mags I have, would not lock in till I installed the dual mag catch.
  5. woodenword

    M3 mags mods for MAC 45

    I was measuring the top of the feed lips of mags I have ran multiple times. I’m very surprised!
  6. woodenword

    M3 mags mods for MAC 45

    Ok, looks like timkel is correct! Measuring it look like the unmodified M3 mag sits about 3/32” or .093 lower than the modified mag! So, the feed lips sitting a little lower isn’t a problem, cause it works! Learning every day!
  7. woodenword

    Question about PS/31 Zmag adapter

    I’ve been using the ETS 30 and 40 round Glock mags in PCC matches for the past year. Even dropping them loaded hasn’t been a problem. It’s my understanding their first gen were problematic, but these work fine. The 40 rounders were recently on sale from Mag Warehouse. I have a Freedom...
  8. woodenword

    M3 mags mods for MAC 45

    Ok, so I’m new to the fat MAC. Mine came with a couple modified mags. I bought the dual mag catch. So now I’m confused why you would have needed to modify the side stops. The dual mag catch doesn’t sit the mag any lower in the mag well, the catch is just lower. With the dual mag catch, I...
  9. woodenword

    Lower egging prevention

    Practical Solutions also has a section on their site with Shipping Instructions.
  10. woodenword

    Swapping Magazine Modules on the VERSA-11

    I have been pleasantly surprised with the ETS mags. Even ejecting partially loaded mags onto the ground for the last year in PCC matches, has caused no damage. Gun Mag Warehouse currently has 40 rnd mags on sale for $15.
  11. woodenword

    Technical information on the VERSA-10, VERSA-11 and VERSA-12

    I’m sure it works, but i just want to see it run that slow! And I apologized about asking for a video!
  12. woodenword

    We all know we are buying it, what magazine will you choose?

    While I’m not getting on the list right now, i will be getting the G17 and Suomi drum mag wells.
  13. woodenword

    Mag' Changes with the VERSA-11 and EVO Scorpion Magazine Module

    I believe you can see his index finger pushing the button to release the mag.
  14. woodenword

    Sten magazine conversion help

    Unfortunately, he passed away earlier this year.
  15. woodenword

    Swapping Magazine Modules on the VERSA-11

    I have one of these for Glock mags. It works great! SLAP Loader
  16. woodenword

    Video of VERSA-11 and VERSA-12

    484 rate of fire in .45! I’d love to see a video of that! Please?
  17. woodenword

    Sten magazine conversion help

    Other than attaching the tab, you must slightly mash the sten mag front to back. It isn’t much, but I don’t remember the exact measurement. I converted 8 of them when Concord was selling the metal tabs about 8 years ago. There should be several old threads on here about it.
  18. woodenword

    M10 value on parts

    MitchWerbellsGhost87 It amazes me how you can make something as simple as a wire stock so interesting with all the details! I even had to go look at mine to see which version it was (gen 2) after seeing this. You are a wealth of knowledge!
  19. woodenword

    M10 value on parts

    The wire stock on my Powder Springs M10 doesn’t have any markings on it that I can see. I’m pretty sure it’s original.
  20. woodenword

    Instructions for converting Grease Gun mags for M10

    I have two mags, a 10 and a 40 that have a notch that appears to have been done when they were manufactured. The notch looks to be closer to 1/32. There are no markings on them. The stops look the same size as the surplus mags I have.

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