When I see what obviously highly skilled people like skiboatsp have created ( like the drum pictured above
for the PPSH 41 ) I ADMIRE their mechanical abilities and I am envious of their abilities at the same time.
IMPRESSIVE work skiboatap!!!
For those of us that are not as inventive ( ME ) how
is this done and the cost of the Uzi grip? Where
would I buy an Uzi grip and are there variations of
the Uzi grip? Appreciate any help and or pics on
this subject as Reising mag prices are very high?
Speaking for those of us that own a Reising, please keep us informed on your " Reising side project ".
I am interested in anything pertaining to the Reising Model 50.
I didn't need a winder either when I was YOUNGER.
At 71 years of age and working with my hands in
various industrial jobs for 50+ years my hands
NEED ALL OF THE HELP they can get and I
really appreciate doobis for making the winders
for me as they definitely help when loading the
various drums...