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  1. D

    Dr Phil Dater passed away 1/21/25

    I’m sure he went quietly. See you on the other side, Doc. 🫡
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    FN FNC Bolt

    Thank you Navgunner, My new FNC bolt arrived in perfect condition. NEW FNC BOLT… Let that sink in. This project is a huge undertaking and a great success in the FNC world. The bolt seems to be one of the things that breaks on these guns that are just impossible to find out there. Now with a...
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    I have to share this with people who can understand my pain....

    That’s messed up! Isn’t troubleshooting fun. Think of it this way… your loader has now been super adjusted and polished so you’re ready to go. All you’ve wasted is an enormous amount of time and trouble.
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    FN FNC Bolt

    Don’t forget sunblock and Gatorade.
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    How many rounds to burn out a M11/9 barrel

    Challenge Accepted!
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    Punt guns

    I need one cause I suck at trap.
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    What are these parts worth

    Sorry, no. I have not kept up with Uzi parts prices in 20 years. I’m sure they have only gone up since then. Someone will be along shorty though to help you out. I can guarantee it. There are good people here.
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    What are these parts worth

    Great to keep as spare parts IF you have an Uzi. And if you don’t have an Uzi, this forum would also be a great place to help you acquire one. You won’t regret it!
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    Gun safe locked up.

    Mechanical. Mechanical. Mechanical. Technology with electronics and computers can be convenient, life saving and lightning fast IF they work properly. When they fail, it’s not only inconvenient but it can be dangerous. It’s bad enough this world ‘relies’ on shiny new tech to run everything but...
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    FNC Sear Swap Hosts?

    -Lowers are modified to accept the sear. -Bolt carriers are modified to trip the sear. -Bolts are untouched. -Uppers are untouched. What am I missing? (besides more ammo)
  11. D

    RIA 5/17/24 Class iii realized prices

    82k??? I’ll take 2.
  12. D

    BEST suppressed pistol design?

    KISS ROCKS! ‘Beth’ is the quietest one they put out but most people thought it sucked.
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    Need help

    I have realized that the older we get, the more we dribble out. 😳
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    Registered sear breakage?

    DON’T DO IT MAN! You will hate yourself the next day. Even worse than after doing that ugly chick in high school.
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    Full auto Mp5sd for $27k what am I Missing?

    Who doesn’t use a Remingtong 700 for a 3 gun? And it might as well be the 338 Lapua Magnum because…. well… why not.
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    My new FNC RR what are must have add ons?

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    Old shotgun news ads!

    Ya… I don’t going through my old issues unless I want a good cry. It just hurts too bad.
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    Legality question

    BLASPHEMOUS ABOMINATION! Mutilation of a perfectly good firearm is against the laws of nature. Just SBR the poor thing and if you can’t afford the $200 stamp, then start a Go Fund Me. I would pay money NOT to see your Ogre Uzi. G.L.M. Guns Lives Matter
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    Pindad at SHOT Show 2024 (Indonesian FNC imports??)

    I believe that conversation ended with using the proper sears and lowers with their specific platforms. AR Platforms, HK Platforms, Uzi Platforms, AK Platforms, etc… And yes, there have been some mixes allowed through the years but they specifically outed the FNC guys not to do it. The samples...
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    Pindad at SHOT Show 2024 (Indonesian FNC imports??)

    I’ll take 5 please. 😋

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