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  1. xdamagedx

    My two new HKs

    Magpul d-60 drums for the win
  2. xdamagedx

    How to make the wood stock QD with a semi auto setup?

    I just slipped a piece of square sheet metal in the receiver to cover the hole.
  3. xdamagedx

    new Silencer mount

    can mount Anyone try one of these yet?
  4. xdamagedx

    Sled footed bipod for Mac MG?

    GG&G might have something for you.
  5. xdamagedx

    Ohio State SubGun Match

    .........still interested in seeing those scores.........
  6. xdamagedx

    Ohio State SubGun Match

    wake Dani up, we still want the full scores
  7. xdamagedx

    Ohio State SubGun Match

    yep... the girls are eagerly awaiting too.
  8. xdamagedx

    Issue with semi-auto function (M10)

    easiest fix is to put 1 bullet in a mag. Next might be the trigger spring (which also pushes the semi disconnector).
  9. xdamagedx

    Lage top secret release.

    I thought "top secret" meant what he was actually running last year at KC. Scorpion upper? MCX upper? MP5 upper? something actually useful with modern mags and drums.....
  10. xdamagedx

    Congrats Lage MFG!

  11. xdamagedx

    Knob Creek Fall 2021 SubGun Match Runs

    My buddy Zack had a solid run: the few hours I watched there was a bunch of good runs. Twzadams (Cory) had a great run despite some tech difficulties. Thankfully Richard Lage was able to help him out.
  12. xdamagedx

    Knob Creek Fall 2021 SubGun Match Runs My best of 3 runs.
  13. xdamagedx

    What is up with this hook on this M10 upper

    I think the hook in the middle is for a 1 piece pin that has a groove in the center. The hook is actually supposed to be pointing the other way IIRC. I think I grabbed mine and pulled it when it was off the receiver like that and it flipped back but wouldn't flip forward.
  14. xdamagedx

    2021 Michigan Subgun Championship

    Not the best shot, but yes we caught it. I was really happy to have done that... it was a tough bonus to get!
  15. xdamagedx

    2021 Michigan Subgun Championship

    And the girls got some trigger time after keeping score all day:
  16. xdamagedx

    2021 Michigan State Subgun Match Results

    we missed you and your crocs Jake :laugh
  17. xdamagedx

    2021 Michigan Subgun Championship

    I called for the website issues. They emailed me a registration form.
  18. xdamagedx

    UZI Pro Pistol SBR project 922r parts?

    does 922 even count against SBR's? I thought as long as you started with a pistol (which isn't regulated by 922) then filed for SBR, you were good to attach a stock afterwards?
  19. xdamagedx


  20. xdamagedx

    sterling parts kits

    +1 for freedom machine. Very helpful guy. Top notch bolt conversion. And his rear cap ring replacement are worth their weight in gold... I already told him I would have easily paid double what he was asking.

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