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  1. cockednlocked45

    Old coastal M11 suppressor

    Thank you all very much
  2. cockednlocked45

    Old coastal M11 suppressor

    He wanted a picture and the info engraved on the can. I sent him that and waited a week for a response. I checked in at about a week and his last reply was something along the lines of, "I'll get back to you in a few days". So I just left it at that and here I am asking you guys for a...
  3. cockednlocked45

    Old coastal M11 suppressor

    He emailed me back 2 weeks ago. Got the email from his website that looks defunct. Probably not worth waiting around for them
  4. cockednlocked45

    Old coastal M11 suppressor

    Coastal has been difficult to get ahold of and it seems that the business has slowed way down. Is there any companies, that anyone would recommend, that can rebuild it and update it? Maybe even shorten it a couple inches?
  5. cockednlocked45

    Suomi drum mags value??

    I see we posted all around the same time while I was trying to upload the pics. I'm confident they would all be worth 70 a piece as some are really clean and some have some surface rust easily fixed with some wd-40 and a scrubber. They all functioned perfect with my old max-31.
  6. cockednlocked45

    Suomi drum mags value??

    Well, I can't get the images to up load. It's too large. But I only have 13 drums. But regardless I'm interested in getting an idea of the value. If someone is willing, I'd gladly send the picture I have of them if they knew how to upload them.
  7. cockednlocked45

    Suomi drum mags value??

    I have about 14 drum mags laying around. I've sold my mac's a while ago so I have no use for them anymore. I'm having a hard time finding what they're worth as most sites I've looked at are sold out. Does anybody here know the value of these drums? They all work and are in various grades. Mostly...
  8. cockednlocked45

    Might have to sell

    What are people getting for their m11/9's? I'm not sure what to ask for mine. I dont want it to sit, but I'd like it to sell fairly quickly. A lot if unceartinty with all that's going on.
  9. cockednlocked45

    Thinking of selling my M10

    I need need a new roof over my head. Literally. Getting a steel roof installed.
  10. cockednlocked45

    Thinking of selling my M10

    My place in line will be free. Thank you for your sage council.
  11. cockednlocked45

    Thinking of selling my M10

    Guess I wasnt sure. I've never sold an nfa gun before. It takes a year to transfer to a dealer? I guess I dont really care how it sells. I'm just trying to make the process quicker and more appealing to the buyer, save them a transfer tax and wait time.
  12. cockednlocked45

    Thinking of selling my M10

    Is it worth it to transfer my gun to my dealer so it's on a form 3? Does it speed up the process? When I sell it I'm going to include all my accessories and my spot on the list for the new upper. I got a good spot. Is it worth it to sell everything seperate?
  13. cockednlocked45

    Tactical feasibility of Mac-10mm

    Is there a list I can get on for one of these?
  14. cockednlocked45

    drilling the m10 sabre hole

    Haha just drill it and be done. Half an hour tops
  15. cockednlocked45

    The "Big Thing" For The Mac Style Family Of Registered Receivers

    Interesting! Thank you scott.
  16. cockednlocked45

    The "Big Thing" For The Mac Style Family Of Registered Receivers

    Looks sweet. Like in a refined mad max sort of way. I can't wait to be in debt. Where did you get the idea?
  17. cockednlocked45

    My soul for a counter

    39. In the mail
  18. cockednlocked45

    My soul for a counter

    I'm number 39? I think. My upper should be here on Wednesday. It's sad I dont have much time to shoot it.
  19. cockednlocked45

    Max 11/15 no waiting

    Hardly. It's his to do what he chooses.
  20. cockednlocked45

    The official MAC picture thread

    What stock is that? Also what adapter?

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