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  1. Villafuego

    What happened to Geco ammo?

    Back in the 90's, the black/blue box 124gr stuff was all I shot in SMG's ...... I need a time machine
  2. Villafuego

    Mp40 red dot mount?

    The problem you'll have with trying to mount anything to an MP-40 receiver is the takedown ..... May want to consider removing the resting bar, and fabricating something that clamps to the barrel
  3. Villafuego

    "New Transferrables" - What all have you seen or head of?

    Very well ..... What they didn't sell as Pre-86 samples, they cut and sold as kits thru the Dealer Warehouse. I stopped by there in '91 or '92 and bought 3 MP-38 kits for 300 a pop, An Austen kit for 275, and a complete saw-cut Star Model MD machine pistol .....nickel plated with silver Mexican...
  4. Villafuego

    MAC 10 thread adapter question

    Here ya go ..... I have one of their 1/2x28 to 3/4x10 adaptors .....
  5. Villafuego

    Uzi sling swivel option

    It's not hard to do at all as long as you have proper backing/support, and aren't afraid to swing a hammer at your gun. I like to put a small chamfer in the swivel so the head of the pin/rivet has some room to expand. No heat required ..... but it helps sometimes The OP's solution would be a...
  6. Villafuego

    Uzi sling swivel option

    You have to center drill and punch out the rivet ...... then use the proper front rivet for re-installation on the receiver
  7. Villafuego

    From dealer sample to transferable

    Yep .... Right now a savvy individual/dealer should be reaching out to Law Enforcement Agencies and searching for their now "transferable" firearms ..... I would venture to guess a large number of those 4,000 guns are still in their possession
  8. Villafuego

    Are there any registered Mac 10 bolts?

    The conversation is relevant to your question because the folks here are trying to determine if a "registered bolt" that would convert an OBS to FA with no modifications to the receiver or FCG is even possible. The answer is yes ..... by simply milling away 5/8" of the lower (L -opposite...
  9. Villafuego

    Uzi sling swivel option

    An option I've used in the past is to harvest the swivel from a used/beat up QD wood stock buttplate ...... it's the exact same as the one mounted on the receiver
  10. Villafuego

    Nighthawk Firearms M10 OBS Pistol Frame? Anyone heard of these?

    They are a 100% receiver / FFL item, but not NFA I remember buying MAC receivers from SAGW (St Augustine Gun Works) in the same configuration in the 80's-90's
  11. Villafuego

    Which 53 Clone Would You Sell ?

    The welded in AR mag inserts are going to kill any interest from the HK guys ..... The audience you are left with won't appreciate any custom/special work done ...... and will just compare your selling price to the current PSA AR offerings That said, #3 seems like the one
  12. Villafuego

    What's the thread size on UZI handguard screws?

    Pretty sure Uzi handguard screws are 1/8"-40 tpi BSW (British Standard Whitworth)
  13. Villafuego


    Are you talking about the semi auto, closed bolt SW760 made by Special Weapons? They use a recoil spring on a guide rod assy. that also supports the smaller diameter striker spring ..... What is the diameter and length of your spring? A "broken" recoil spring is not a common thing, and I'm...
  14. Villafuego

    PM-63C SBR Bummer

    It appears that a good portion of the semi frame/receiver is aluminum, as opposed to the steel originals ..... Thats going to make adding the features required to use the original stock substantially more difficult depending on the alloy.
  15. Villafuego

    Information on MK760 Semi Auto?

    From the article linked: "However, the BATF deemed the early production MK-760 semi-auto series illegal because of the open-bolt deign and that the weapons violated the 1982 BATF ruling on open bolt semi-autos. The remaining inventory of open-bolt semiautomatic-only weapons MK Arms had in...
  16. Villafuego

    Information on MK760 Semi Auto?

    No open-bolt semi MK760's were ever sold ....... all were closed bolt
  17. Villafuego

    auto sear in semi auto uzi legal?

    The contact surface of a semi auto sear.......that holds back the striker, has slightly different geometry than an unmodified F/A sear ....... you'll want to either purchase one, or have your F/A sear modified by someone that knows what they are doing ...... in addition to the selector limiting...
  18. Villafuego

    SIONICS Type can with SWD H.E. Internals?

    I've done it ...... Put the "front end" of an HE can on the 1st stage of a Sionics 2-stage 9mm can one day for shits and giggles ...... wasn't really impressed ....was a tad louder than the original 2nd stage with spiral diffusers. What I did do later, however, was machine a small "clip" in the...
  19. Villafuego

    MPA 9mm SBR question....

    Looks like your gun is a : "MASTERPIECE ARMS DEFENDER 9mm PISTOL, MPA30DMG"
  20. Villafuego

    MAC 10 original suppressor question

    Kinda makes you wonder why SWD stopped selling replacement (wiped) end caps, and AWC stopped selling their wipeless end caps after the rule change in '86 then eh ?

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