Search results

  1. BCG05

    CFW M10/45 and M11/380 Slowfire Bolts

    In for a M11A1 bolt when the time comes as well
  2. BCG05


    Any chance you'd cut one of these down to M11A1 size? It's not my fault my the only Mac I have left is so tiny :bang
  3. BCG05

    Still have that Lage upper for the M11A1 for sale?

    Still have that Lage upper for the M11A1 for sale?
  4. BCG05

    SBR Pics Thread

    Very nice!:thumbs_up
  5. BCG05

    Any stock options for the M11A1 .380 ?

    I've run the Lage collapsible stock for my M11 on my A1 alot, it works great. I actually debated cutting it down to fully collapse but never did. HTH
  6. BCG05

    Anybody tried the bushmaster piston conversion?

    I'm a little late... This one went to SPF a few hours ago, they're out there.
  7. BCG05

    Walther Mags?

    Blast from the past... I picked one up off of Ebay a couple years ago for $14 shipped. I ended up drilling the spot welds on the front tabs & "patching" the grind mark on the back with JB Weld. Mag runs great in my PS.
  8. BCG05

    New Member...question about M10/9mm

    +1 give that man a cigar... :welcome to the board Lance!
  9. BCG05

    New to Uzitalk - Hi-

    :welcome Welcome to the board Tom, the first step is acknowledging you have a problem... Not sure any of has made it to the next step though...:thinking BTW I like your taste in toys! :flame
  10. BCG05

    Please Help!! Ughh

    I've got PDF's of the Mac10 & M11 manuals I can email to you. IIRC they're for the full auto's so I don't know how much they'll help. You could contact Cobray or RPB & maybe get a manual &/or help troubleshooting. HTH Maybe take some pics to help us diagnose the problem?
  11. BCG05

    Anyone have a .22 upper like this?

    Take care Marine... Be safe out there! Were proud of what your doing!!! :marines Best of luck with the refund, if he stiffs you, I'll personally finance a visit for you to his shop...:cuss :chainsaw
  12. BCG05

    New to Class 3 - Mac11/9 first gun

    I hope you got this one...
  13. BCG05

    Anyone have a .22 upper like this?

    PM sent...
  14. BCG05

    M11/9 K-Grip Possibilities

    :roflmao Seriously though, I've seen what 94 brings to the shoots, it's definitely not turds. Just beware of the manufacturers who promote the Mac version of the shrike, I think we've all seen the emperors new clothes at some point, just don't be the guy buying them...
  15. BCG05

    Hi from new member

    :roflmao Welcome to the board Cristobal, enjoy the ride!!!:biker
  16. BCG05

    M11 accuracy / tracers

    Welcome to the board...stranger!:welcome You'll be surprised @ just how accurate that little gun is, even with the stock upper. The Lage will blow your mind! The open bolt "lurch" is more defined on the Lage because of the added weight, but nothing that can't be overcome. You can add optics to...
  17. BCG05

    Need photos of M11, M10, TASK slowfire, Max-11 and Max-10

    Hell, I've been called worse. I'm serious about the pink blanket pics, let me know if you need 'em. :goofygrin
  18. BCG05

    UZI folding stock for MAC10?

    Thanks for the positive comments.:love I actually enjoy shooting my 10 factory, just not all the time. I also like to have options as far as tailoring it to my needs / desires. That's the great thing about this site, we can all have different views & opinions without forcing them on everyone...
  19. BCG05

    Need photos of M11, M10, TASK slowfire, Max-11 and Max-10

    I think this may be the first time I've been called a pain in the ass...:bs Like I said, I'm by no stretch a photographer. I've got some pics of them stock on a pink fuzzy blanket(did you see my AR?) if you'd like...:D My AR...
  20. BCG05

    How to Screw an AR

    KABOOM!!! Followed by a shower of pink blanket fur.:milk

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